Friday/Saturday 25 mans. Invites going out at 8:00, first pull at 830 server time, Loot MS > OS +1
We are a semi hardcore raiding guild looking to clear 25-man raids at current content while maintaining a fun & friendly community. We are looking to fill out a few remaining spots for our core 25-man group.
Currently Recruiting:
All ranged dps
Resto druid
Disc priest
All exceptional players of any class are still encouraged to reach out. We also welcome casual players to join our community as well. We expect raiders to be actively working on gear upgrades alteast p1 bis working towards p2 bis so you can run phase content. Having applicable gems, enchants and to be on time & present for the raids they sign up for.
We use discord for raid sign-ups, communication, and just hanging out.
If interested in joining please feel free to reach but joining the discord, in game or on here. officers/raid leaders (In-game names: Trolalala, SSJBGogeta, Pathogin. Any information about yourself and your character would be much appreciated in your message!