No. Would have preferred that season 3 continue so we wouldn’t have to rush through and add extra raid days to complete it on time.
Or that season 3 continue to the end but season 4 run concurrently, like they did with Trial of Valor & Nighthold, back in Legion.
We were just doing Sanctum 5 months ago. Like… we just did this raid. I don’t know anybody who wants to do it again.
Also, removing the non-Fated raid options (which they’re doing in a few weeks, according to Blizzard) is going to remove the traditional low-stress mount farming that people do at the end of an expansion. Once all raids are fated, you can’t even farm the current expansion’s mounts unless you’ve been regearing in the fated raids (or M+) to replace the gear you already got from those raids.
(And for those who missed it…)
They’re removing non-Fated versions of the raids.