Here is my explanation. We are trying to instill these great elements to the WoW community like Newcomer chat with mentors and murlocs, but there are addons like Raider io where people care so much about losing rating when they don’t time a key that they drop group and burn the key of the person they joined just so it doesn’t go on their record.
Unpopular Opinion time: Make it to where people who desert a Mythic + dungeon lose rating (take negative rating) rather than had they stayed in that dungeon. Why punish people in normal and heroic dungeons for leaving with a deserter debuff if you can just burn someone’s mythic plus key and have no consequences whatsoever? Why hold the hand of newcomers only to expose them to the worst part of our community endgame?
I’ve have a lot of experience with MMOs, and Final Fantasy’s community is the best because they have more than a social contract at sign in holding their community together. Blizzard needs to do better. Periodt.