Raider IO - Remove it

The whole system is broken since most cheese raider io by getting people to carry them with their own keys. It used to be much worse in Legion where keys depleted on a failed run. If that happened to your key, you were SoL until the reset unless you had friends to recharge it.

WoW has been here with us for 15 years. We started with just Normal Dungeons way back in Vanilla. Then they introduced Heroic Dungeons. There were speedrun quests on dungeons back then… the 45 min Stratholme Baron run in Classic, Culling of Stratholme in WoTLK, 5-man Zul-Gurub and 5-man Zul-Aman, and eventually on Legion it finally evolved into Mythic+. The game is evolving. The game wont come back to its original form like Classic. And M+ at lower key levels, its timers are very forgiving. You dont need to rush it. Just dont die and you could beat the whole thing.

BTW, I am casual and I am far from being an Esport player. I love 5-man dungeons since Vanilla… has beaten all of them. Mythic+ is the best feature that happened to WoW. I am just doing Dungeon FInder on all my M+ runs.
Few minutes ago, I just have beaten an M+10. Sometimes I am getting carried but most of the time, I am the one who carries. Progression to it is unlimited. It is for everyone whether you are a noob, or you are a pro. You could play it. It is really fun.

Mythic + is an addition btw. It didnt remove Normal and Heroic Dungeon. You could still do those if you arent skilled enough to get to the next level of difficulty.

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You forgot step 6.5) Wait on tanks and heals, watch dps players drop waiting on tanks and heals, then watch heals drop waiting on dps and tanks, then get a tank 2 hours later run one dungeon (because the tank is that special kind oh special) and then have to go to bed because I have work in the morning and daylight savings time already screwed me up.

Don’t skip steps it’s bad for you.

But raiderIO isn’t why you are waiting on tanks/healers.

RaiderIO isn’t why its hard for a dps to get into m0s.

Neither would change if the ability to see a person’s dungeon experience was removed.


Every time iv done it that step hasnt happened :man_shrugging:
Maybe wait 15 mins for a tank that’s capable of doing 0s then blast out 4 quick ones.
Usually 1-3 dps are over geared so everything just dies anyway. Pretty sure I “healed” last time as feral actually lol.

I wasn’t complaining too much about raider IO in my original post. I kind of wish you could random que for mythic zero. Or that Blizzard would stick to content that is queable when making the weekly quests.

Yeah m0s and sub 5s needing raider io is just silly, starter M+ runs often don’t even show up below like 4s or 5s on most populated servers unless it’s a dead server or early in the week and it’s good experience to start climbing the ladder.

When you’re first progressing, it’s probably better to have a good idea and a completionist attitude about most things. if you join a key and it can be completed recently, it’s polite to be reasonable about staying even if it might be a few minutes over if the person is decent. If they’re corrosive and abrasive though you’re under no obligation to make anyone stay. If you’re listing your groups as completion, that’s great.

My first few weeks i remember climbing the ladder like anyone else, i started off in 8.2 Vengence, a mediocre, fun, but not great spec. It had excellent mobility but no real way to let the dps capitalize off it. (Esp dks, dks always seemed to get corrosive on necro weeks in particular or kiting a 100k/700k hp -70% healing necro week for their parses but otherwise it’d be a wipe. ) .

I started off running the usual 3-10s and tried the 5-15 ilvl rule. Where as a player you try and stay within 5-15 ilvls of the content dropping the gear you need. I had no idea what io was. i had just been running 3-7s and working on the warfront and unlocking world quests my first week.

Eventually i geared up, and found out that i needed the EP essences for certain tanking situations and ST builds. And noticed that although my rotation didn’t change much, i was losing tons of damage but getting close to what the sims were saying. I did some sims tests and found out that i was missing 30k damage from azerite traits and using. I swapped the essence out with the iris i was using before and a condensed life force and saw nearly 20k burst damage came solely from one essence, with furious gazes responsible at 5k dps each for each trait and then 5k. Getting the proper major bis for class R3 essences and R3 minors was big. Nearly doubling the dps i had when i started.

After that then it started becoming how to learn about all the one shots in M+. I will admit there is something nice in that demon hunters take damage very well, but it also became easily apparent to feinting rogues and 60% armor fury warriors that a attack that might hit them for only 300k and be healed off might hit me for 500k and be a one shot. Dhs in medium keys kinda hit a nice point where they can heal from most things, but inversely around 14-15s they start hitting a point where all dps especially need to memorize all mob aoe attacks since attacks that other classes will feel, but can heal off (like 300k physicals), will be (literal) 400-800k crits on a dh. There are times when boss’s aggro will randomly bug or on SoTS second boss with all the chaotic hits and tornados that Brother Irontide’s physical cleave will nearly always instantly start one shotting dhs from 14+ on fortified weeks and even earlier on tyranical weeks.

Aside from that, we take magical damage very well (although i notice that both Rogues and Fury warriors if they so choose can also keep up on 20-25k self healing as well. With about 50% of most players healing coming from azerite and passive essences, some mages can also do some pretty effective 17-23k absorbing with ice barriers+azzy but cannot top themselves off, and then hunters suddenly healing 63k hps with mend pet is just pet cheese that doesn’t really matter. )

I actually think damage wise that Fury warriors are in a very good spot and a cheap and free +10%, and when it comes to range weeks i very much like hunters just since of the ranged they and fire mages are probably one of the best pug RDPS. Shadow priests and warlocks are some of the most hit or miss. They’re either EXTREMELY GOOD and mythic raiders doing their +15s who have like Mythic nyalotha and mythic raiding done, or if they’re the type who randomly picked a warlock for M+ they also have a apt chance to pick a random spec too that may or may not even be their best for M+. On the other hand, +25% healthstones are great and if it’s a low/casual key, great, grab one, free healthstones for your higher keys. If it’s a higher key, mobs live longer and warlocks ironically tend to suck in low keys but catch up in higher keys where mobs live longer and rip on boss damage but they always suffer from dot clipping on M+ it feels like.

They can reject you for any reason. How are you so sure its raider io? Maybe they had two melee and in quaking week they did not want a third melee in the tanks area. That would bring 4 people in melee range within quaking which is very annoying. Also just because you see a person with 200 io it does not mean their main character is not much higher.

Lol i’ve dreamed of hunting that “Heal everyone in your party 10k every 15 seconds” mechagon ring. Even though i can’t use the ring very well. (-1.5k dps from a 5k dps ring nice itemized to run it lol), but the idea of suddenly being able to become a group healer in heroic lfg bag farming and keep the masses chugging along sounds great. Everyone in lfg heroics is either gearing or doing world quests so having someone take a geared extra dps role makes the run a lot faster. Though the mobility of VDH is insane i actually haven’t tested it since 8.2, might try it again lol.

But i actually just really, really enjoy personally feeling the risk of death and trading survivalbility for damage once you overgear content. It just feels a lot more funner to me trying to return to the WOTLK Blood presence tank style over the old frost presence tank where you could choose between Mitigration tank for raid and healtank for farmed content/soloing. You have to fight for pulls, keep aggro and watch taunts. It keeps Heroics entertaining for sure lol over being a boring unkillable tank that can’t kill anything and plays like a boring slog. Action rpg adventure hack n’ slash is where it’s at :smiley:

I run keys. You’re a substandard retadin compared to the nigh infinite DPS choices avaliable.

Get gud, or run your own keys.

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Oh dear. I didn’t say I didn’t understand. I said that your analogy sucks.

Everything sucks if you can’t comprehend that people are free to do what they want with their belongings.



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k…took my baby awaahaay

took her away

away from me

ooh oooh oooh oooohhh

That must be why I’ve been invited to their weddings.

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Raider IO is like a slow growing cancer to the community… once Blizzard realizes what is going on with it, it will either block it and/or make their own version. Also them having any kind of paid version of it is against the ToS.

Note: No, this doesn’t directly affect me, as I’m not a mythic+ user.

It’s Mythic 0. List your own group and type in x4 in the description. Fill out the team with whoever applies and stomp them out.

The only roadblock is yourself.

There is no paid version of the add on.

Do you even know whats going on with it? Most people that seem to complain about rIO don’t fully understand it.


Isn’t/wasn’t there a version if you had under 200 IO you wouldn’t appear in the app or something unless you paid?