TL;DR 3rd party app decides if you’re going to ruin a run because you put 0 effort into the game.
People were different back then and largely didn’t know how to play the game. Even with those exact systems reinstated, people simply refuse to play that way anymore. If they reinstated stuff like that in live, where the content is actually hard, the communities for difficult content would either die or consolidate on a single server, and anyone elsewhere would have 0 access to mythic raiding or M+.
People knew how to play back then.
If they don’t want to play that way anymore, they shouldn’t bemoan the lack of community.
I still play like I’m part of one. I treat everyone respectfully. In over a year back in WoW, I’ve never had to ignore anyone. Never got into an argument. Never called anyone out. Never got called out. Because I’m still playing like I did 11 years ago, where my name and reputation mattered, and anyone I was a jerk to might be in the guild or group I’m trying to get into one day.
It’s the damn kids, really. It’s the same reason games are so much easier now. Young gamers don’t like difficulty.
When I was a young MMORPG player, you had community. Because your reputation mattered. You couldn’t torpedo it and then change your name and transfer servers. Not unless you wanted to develop a new character from scratch. And because that was incredibly time consuming, people stuck with their communities, treated one another better, and were way more inclined to help other people.
The gamers now are like, gimme max level alts. Essences on alts. Everything I ever did on one character in the history of the game should immediately transfer to whatever character I roll next. That way, if I destroy my reputation by acting like a complete jackass to everyone, all I have to do is pay 10 bucks to change my name and start over, or 25 to move my character, or a month to reroll. Zero consequence for bad behavior. Zero community. Zero help from anyone you don’t know personally.
Here I’ve been complaining that Blizzard killed community with cross realms and sharding, and now it seems more like the young player base is to blame.
Older WoW and MMORPGs did a good job of making you feel like a member of a virtual world and community. Where your deeds and exploits, in the form of your behavior, followed you and were known to others. It felt like being in a small town.
Modern WoW feels like walking around in a big city. It’s mostly a bunch of people I’m never going to see again, so what does it matter if I’m rude to anyone?
I generally feel like part of one. I’ve made quite a few friends through M+ and particularly last season was really plugged into the pushing community.
I do this too, but there’s just no way no one ever comes at you. With your score and the number of keys you’ve had to run, even if you do nothing wrong, I feel like you have to get occasionally get crap even if you don’t respond. That said the amount of trouble I have with this is disproportionately higher when gearing up in low keys at the beginning of the season. Disrespect is pretty rare in decent push groups.
I hate blaming younger people but………I agree with you here.
Agree completely. I don’t do alts. I actually like that essences this patch have made mains matter. This is not a popular opinion…
Yeah, people act like this in other games too today. I think it’s the core of the playerbase more than anything.
I think
should be killed off because I think elitism is a cancer within the game and needs to be cured but even I think your reasons are dumb. Nobody cares if you hide it since you don’t raid or do keys since nobody will even know.
Yes, at my suggestion Blizzard did allow private profiles.
They must allow more privacy and absolutely must allow this for the armory!
But I thought you wanted me to see how the Majority of the player base had liked your posts over your years of campaigning. I cant do that when its private
Classic: Bad player in a raid was the guy who was taking in groceries during a boss pull.
Retail: Bad player is the guy who can’t meet his mandatory raider IO performance review. Gotta make sure you stock up on those drugs for long nights so your performance numbers don’t drop. It feels like I’m at work all over again.
Maybe the solution is for Bliz not to make an MMO that takes its challenges too seriously?
Or for people who dont want to push too challenging content to stay to the content they are going to have a better time in and stop signing up for groups with people who treat the game differently then they do.
Its not rocket science. There are lots of groups. ones that care about io and ones that dont. Why do people who dont care about io sign up to groups of people who do? I dont get it.
You can read the posts as I make them.
Generally, it rains hearts on the positions I put forth.
You don’t have to do hard content. If you want to do stuff where the definition of success is simply sitting at your computer for an entire encounter and define poor performance as literally not being there at all, there’s a difficulty level for that. LFR and even normal raids will welcome you with open arms and you will encounter fun little classic level challenges with likeminded people. Mythic 0’s are perfect for you.
Stop trying to do content that deep down you obviously don’t want to do, and it won’t feel like work.
Bottom Line: They have made fights to complex. Some of this is due to add ons, some is due to raiderio and some is just because the developer wants complexity.
No one wants raiding to be a second job.
No one wants to have to spend hours studying fights in advance.
No one wants to have to use simulations to figure out gear.
This is not fun.
Go back to tank and spank + one or two mechanics.
Break raiderio and 3rd party sites.
Break most “mandatory” add ons for raiding. (After all, if you took away the warning that you are standing in the fire, avoiding this would no longer be trivial.)
I’m gonna have to completely disagree with most of the things you just said.
One of the things I like most about raiding and dungeons in BFA is how much more complex the fights are than they were in Vanilla/TBC. I raided for two years through vanilla and TBC, successfully, as a rogue, with my interrupt button bound so far away from my main hand, I had to look down at the keyboard to find it. The overwhelming majority of raid encounters from vanilla and TBC, from a rogue’s perspective, were what you described. Tank and spanks, with the occasional mechanic or two. While I remember enjoying that fondly, I think I enjoy the current design much more. I like complex mechanics. I like that I have to use all of my buttons and interrupts now to succeed in dungeons.
Maybe it’s because I’m not a raid leader or something, but I’ve spent about 30-60 minutes, if that, reading the guide and watching the boss videos for each new raid. So, about 1.5-3 total hours so far in the last year of the expansion.
I don’t mind the simulations. I actually have fun simming different types of combos to see how they’d do. Saves me the trouble of putting all the crap on and trying to find a nice control dungeon to test it out.
I also have zero beef with the addons. RaiderIO helps suss out a person’s experience in M+ before you invite them to your M+ group. The raid and dungeon add-ons help you tremendously in dealing with mechanics, so you’re able to focus more on your class role.
They have made fights as complex as they have because this is the level of complexity needed to occupy their target audience for a patch cycle. If Mythic Azshara or EP in general were simpler, I would be done with it and have nothing to do in that raid right now.
Some people do - have you seen the world first races? I don’t, so I raid 2 nights a week for 8 hours total. It’s perfect for me, I love it.
I mean…cutting edge raid leaders do this, and god bless them. Who else does? I go into Normal completely blind, with the vague notion that there is a new raid. Heroic takes 30 minutes of study before the first clear if you’re in a week one AOTC guild. 15 minutes of study for the first week of mythic since we expect to clear 3 bosses. 5 minutes of study a week after that as we add one new boss a week. Anytime progression holds up…no study. I usually do my study in that period between being invited to raid and it actually starting, when you can’t quest anyway.
I do. Lots of people do. Character optimization and systems optimization is a huge part of RPGs for many people. Not for everybody. Seriously you can look at pen and paper games like Pathfinder and D&D - their own developer’s notes and blogs discuss how they have to make games that strike a balance so the character optimization crowd is entertained and the unoptimized crowd isn’t overwhelmed. I love the complexity and the ability to perform better by skillfully making the best use of the system. I’m sorry you don’t. That’s why there’s a ton of content out there you don’t need to be optimized for in order to complete.
Thankfully never gonna happen. What the hell is your problem though? There is plenty of content in this game that doesn’t require addons. LFR you can literally afk through and succeed, and Normal mode is exactly what you describe - a series of tank and spanks with an occasional mechanic. Non-keystoned Mythic dungeons are precisely the same thing. If that’s the challenge you want, that’s your content. Stop trying to ruin everyone else’s content.
See, people who refuse to carry others aren’t elitist, they just value their sanity and blood pressure.
There’s no see about it. I’m not agreeing with you on your comment, you’re reading too far into what I said. I’m simply stating the truth about how it will work out for him.
The fact that the number of subs has plummeted and the number of raiders-at all tiers-is at an all time low proves I am correct.
He doesn’t think you agree with him, he’s responding to you. See is being used in the imperative form, with the understood you as the recipient of said directive. So there is a see about it - you need to see that just because people refuse to carry people to content they’re not qualified for, they’re not ‘elitist’. Hell dude, the local men’s league down at the Y isn’t going to let me on their basketball team because I’m not on their skill level, and would cause them to either lose or have to play so far above the competition that my presence didn’t matter. This isn’t a weird thing.
Given that they do not release their sub numbers anymore, that’s not a fact, unless you are some elite corporate spy and privy to information we don’t have. Raiding certainly hasn’t slowed down, that’s just objectively wrong. But that doesn’t matter anymore, today people like you just repeat themselves over and over regardless of objective truth and inevitably some people believe you by virtue of being the loudest voice.
Raider io and Warcraftlogs are an invasion of privacy and should be abolished. These tools are the worst thing that has ever happened to WoW. They’re used exclusively as bullying tools to demean others and prevent players from experiencing the game to its fullest.
You should be able to remove yourself from the combat log to prevent others from seeing your DPS as well as making your profile and dungeons completed entirely private. This is my personal information, and no one has a right to see it.