Raid Stuck - Area 52 is recruiting for The Undermine Raid!

We’re looking to keep the group around 15 people and need:

:fire: Warlock
:zap: Shaman
:bow_and_arrow: Hunter
(But we’ll take any ranged DPS!)

:date: Raid Times: Fridays & Saturdays, 8:00-10:30 PM EST
:trophy: Goal: AOTC only, no Mythic raiding.
:crossed_swords: Guild Focus: A chill raiding environment with experienced former Mythic raiders who want to enjoy the game at a relaxed pace. We also run Mythic+ and PvP.

:speech_balloon: Contact: Tojarra#11571 (BNet) or Tojmonk in-game.

Hit me up if you’re interested!