Normal isn’t an accessible game mode to a lot of people. When your participation in the content depends on an application process run by other players it becomes an issue.
But, because I know you didn’t read the rest of my post, it’s only an issue because they’ve cut so much of the game to get people to there.
Again, there’s been so much taken away from the game to push people into group endgame faster that there feels like there’s little actual game to play outside of group content. And they continue to double down on making the most accessible version of that content feel valueless.
Don’t want me to feel like I have a reason to run LFR or LFD? Stop pushing me toward end-game. I don’t want to do M+ or sit in a lobby for a spot in someone’s pug, or hope I can build my own.
They never should’ve cut down the leveling content. That’s why people are leaving this game. Arguably, end-game has never been better. But so much of it is designed around feeling like we’re wasting our time, whether it’s RNG drops from rares or sitting in LFG hoping your application gets picked.
That’s not why a lot of people stuck with this game.
Premade-group Raiding isn’t an accessible mode. It never has been. They added LFR because of how few people saw the inside of a raid. It used to be worth something for a while, up until WoD IIRC.
But I agree, maybe accessibility isn’t what they should go for. Especially if the accessible version of the thing has to be unrewarding compared to the less-accessible versions. They obviously don’t want people running LFR. They made that painfully clear this expansion. So why have it?
I have no plan on raiding in classic with this character. But you know what? There’s a lot of game here and feelings of getting somewhere in this thing without ever setting foot inside of a dungeon.
Old-school leveling is literally the best solo challenge they ever created. This is why the game hit such high numbers. Not because of their end game, but because of the rest of the game. There were so many decent progression systems that didn’t exist around getting a better ilvl number.
There’s really nothing that feels like actual progression for retail players who don’t want to do organized group content. Not a damn thing. They keep “trying” but they are constantly skirting around exclusively organized group players, refusing to add value or actual legitimate gameplay to anything else.
So, they don’t want to add this FOMO mount to LFR? Okay. The world isn’t getting any harder. There’s nothing to work on that isn’t just rounding out expansion collections, which mostly involve sitting AFK until something spawns and hoping your daily take 5 numbers are right.
What’s the point of arbitrary ilvl in LFR then, except to exist as a step in the ladder for organized group players. There’s no goal to work on other than raising a temporary number value to overpower the content that already provides no challenge or progression.
No they didn’t, they added LFR because they were experiencing their first net loss in players, and raiding (according to Ghostcrawler) was the most cost-effective method they had found to keep players busy and entertained.
They didn’t create LFR to save raiding; they created LFR because raiding was the best tool they had, and they were trying to save their sub count.
Yeah, the hope is that people will interact instead of pressing a button and just standing there. Maybe some people will make friends, develop an interest in raiding, etc.
Dude, take a hike, seriously. Everything you say is so out of touch with the average player. I’ll don’t care about your elitist takes, and I never will. Bye bye. You are what’s wrong with this community.
Yeah the writing of the Achievements DO NOT reflect the ‘only on Normal’ difficulty for the mount… Why wouldn’t they fix this issue to be more grammatically correct and resolve all the confusion? …or just skip all that and actually allow what it says which is:
Normal is not accessible at all. It’s just too horrifying of an experience. The nonstop drudgery of summoning people is enough to drive people to suicide. Manual group raid in WoW is one of the most intensely miserable experiences in all of gaming. Not everyone has tolerance for it.
I know this is an old post - but since someone bumped the thread - the thing that I found funny about the response is it’s such a false equivalency.
One is a single boss. One is 31 bosses.
I wonder why “Friendship Moose” communities didn’t pop up again. Lol. We got I think 2 “Learning Community” runs, but that’s like 2 dozen mounts compared to the thousands people could have earned and helped others earn in LFR.
Thanks Maizou for this gem post that I had missed. Oh my God. This is so hilarious
Oh yeah, we’re taking away something for no reason, hopefully someone will help you get back what we took away by making you enter a raffle and sit through a carry.