Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

Then why even bother having the Fated system in LFR?

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It’s unfortunate that blizz doesn’t learn from ff14 systems.

I played through ff14 and found it to be refreshingly solo friendly, AND still provide challenging content for those that want that.

Granted I did not stick with the game as I just didn’t really care for the flavor (setting asthetic)

That being said, they got badges down pat. Maybe they should take a look at that as hard as they did Guild Wars 2’s flying mechanics and see what they can come up with.

I mean if it works for them and people seem to like it, why not.


The answer is pride and arrogance.

And it’s bugged and doesn’t give credit for all the kills you do meaning you have to go do it again on another difficulty.

because the purpose of the fated system isn’t solely to make the slime cat available?

Still no word on the vendor to see what we need to upgrade our bow. Any communication about this would be great.

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Is this upgrade item obtainable now or do we have to wait until we get our first Dinar? And what currency does it cost?

Would be nice if they would tell us one way or the other. But unfortunately, I’m guessing we’re gonna have to wait for our first Dinar.

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I don’t get why it has to be this way? And no blue post or clarification is very frustrating.

I don’t get why Blizzard gives us all this information before stuff is available, then leaves it a complete mystery once it is supposedly put into the game. If they want it to be a mystery, design it that way from the start. They’re just wasting our time

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I came here hoping for clarification as well. I’m assuming it’s something other than a dinar to upgrade it but who knows. Some info upfront would be nice though. I got the weapon token in heroic CN last night and wasn’t really sure which weapon to buy. I ended up with the terrible staff for SV because of this blue post and the hopes of having my bow at 285. Hunters would really like an update on when we can get this and what it is going to cost.

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Did you get any upgrade tokens? I guess there are two currencies, the Dinar to buy items from the vendor and then something else to upgrade raid items

I’d have rather them not say anything so then when we eventually get to see the vendor, it would have been a nice surprise instead of dangling the carrot in front of us like that. In s2, it took me ten weeks to get the bow to drop on normal, it never dropped on heroic for me. But by the time I got the normal bow(233ilvl) I already had my bis m+ bow, 252 bow from spires so I never got to use it seriously. I was looking forward to being able to use it finally, but at this rate, I’m going to out gear it by the time I can get it again.


I got the CN weapon tokens that you turn in to the weapon vendor in the covenant hall. I wasn’t too happy taking a crit/mastery staff. I would have passed it to someone else if I could have lol

My assumption is we will see the upgrade item next week when SoD is active since Sylvanas will have a chance to drop an upgrade per the blue post. I imagine that token will only be good on a Fated item so logically we should get it next week but who knows. Clarification would be nice on this.

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This has already been fixed before you posted that, you just need to re-log in after the daily reset today, but before the weekly reset next Tuesday.

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Day two of waiting for an answer on upgrading the bow.


Well tell me if the goal was supposed to get me back into normal/heroic raiding? where Am I supposed to get AoTC Denathrius to join these groups?

There’s about 3 pages full of people selling Fated runs within the dungeons tool linking to their websites all listing about around $70 per run. maybe that’s what is meant by “Friendship”?


Great! I’m looking forward to the day you guys realize how much of a detriment LFR is on the social aspect of the game.

You may realize it already. Sometimes, you just have to rip the bandaid off and make changes that will be good for the health of the game. There are literally millions of people waiting for you to make changes like this.

Read this again and tell me how that sounds. Blizzard is coming off as a tone deaf development team. You guys rely on FOMO far too much.