Raid Rewards Experiments in Season 4

Alliance players (any race especially Night Elves) and Druids

I seriously think it may be incompetence.

Raids would not exist without LFR blizzard has said this themselves not enough people engage with raids without it. So if we remove it your whole raid is basically gone.

They’re using it as bait for normal and above raiders, because this season shortened season 3, and it also starts them over. I’ve seen a few sour raiders that don’t really care about the mount, and more that they’re forcing them to do another season. So blizzard said “look, we made this mount just for you” to try to keep them raiding the same raid again.

Make jellycat available in LFR. :raised_hands:t2:


I will say, I did see the tree out in the wild last weekend. Was a little shocked.

I think I said earlier that I’d voted for the slime cat, but after seeing the list of mount options form that poll again, I’m pretty sure I voted for the caterpillar. Mostly because when I think of caterpillar, I think of the narcotic pipe smoking boy from Alice.

All I know is when the tree first came out I was setting cooking :fire: under them

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I hope they gave you hazard pay for having to break that news!

0/10 decision Blizz. Be better.


Any updates blue bois ?? Don’t wait for spell-check, just spill …

The war on casuals continues. Devs prove once again that they do not want us here, as we head toward a new expansion that was supposed to want us there according to Ion. :thinking:

Is “the experiment” of Season 4 seeing how much you can neglect the remaining devoted casual playerbase before too many finally walk away?


The achievement has said “all difficulties” for months. There are high-end players on the forums attacking and gaslighting people for being upset that you guys decided to change the requirements for the achievement last minute.

I don’t think this is the “bring the community together/positive vibes” initiative that you think it is.


If it’s only for Normal and higher, maybe state it somewhere other than single forum post?

The moose runs happened because it was simple: kill one boss in one raid.

The slime cat mount needs you to kill ALL the bosses in THREE raids.


Does that mean it will be available after Season 4? Or that you guys have already abandoned your new philosophy of “letting players play how they want to”? If the latter, pretty sad you couldn’t even make it to Dragonflight launch.


uh yes they have…aotc? This is the S4 equivalent

guessing you’re mad you’re not getting the cat huh? :eyes:

EDIT: Or any aotc’s ever, from what it looks like…so i can see why you’re confused… have fun with that :revolving_hearts:


Im convinced some people against this idea including a very specific emoji weilding user have some form of narccisistic personality disorder.

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yes please!

This! 100% Blizz actually just saying they hate hunters. What’s the actual reason for not adding the bow to the vendor? To make damn certain I just never have a chance to get it? Unfortunately, I don’t have a guild that can do full mythic clears, meaning I get 2 whole chances every 3 weeks for a shot at it now with ZERO bad luck protection! THANKS BLIZZ!

This is not comparable to the AOTC mount in any way at all. For one, the AOTC mount will still be attainable in Season 4. For two, killing 31 bosses is not equivalent to killing one boss. These are two very different things entirely.


So if we can’t take Blizzard at their word anymore when can we expect the Mage Tower appearances to be back again? That was the big reason right? Because Blizzard said so? Well “any” difficulty to me includes LFR, not sure how it doesn’t.


it absolutely is comparable to AOTC. I explained how, and that’s exactly how it’s being treated so…

they weren’t going to not have an AOTC or equivalent in season 4…