This feels really bad for anyone who crafted their legendary in optimal slots for the most primary stats. Now everyone is rushing to re-craft in the less impactful slots.
You guys are a joke
They hope that groups/communities will offer to sell runs to push token sales obviously.
Lets get something straight, if you are going to mock players who do LFR then I am equally free to mock you for doing a couple Mythic bosses and thinking you are hot sh*t.
Sound fair? Its not because different people do different content in different ways yet you are trying to mock others for doing the same as you.
So you admit you are holding a double standard? Got it. Expected nothing less.
You completely are entitled to at. But it doesnt make sense cause my skill doesnt show itself in my recent raid experience, it shows in the recent M+ experience.
Not at all. You can literally afk through LFR. Takes 0 effort to complete unless youre unfortunate enough to get a group that doesnt have max geared people carrying you. I dont trash talk people doing normal though. That level does take some form of effort.
Make a video of yourself “literally AFK’ing” and prove it. Queue for the second wing right now. Don’t move from the entrance. You definitely wouldn’t get kicked /cough.
I can solo tank jailor lfr and when i say solo i mean legit everyone else was dead and i tanked it from 50% to 20% - there is no enrage and azeroth heals so the fight never ends.
I had people wanting to vote kick me because to was taking too long so i jumped to my death.
That’s not AFK’ing though, that’s you being a boss
This that LFR thought process right here… what are the other players doing tho?
…they’re dead like they would be in any other content? Do groups have unlimited in combat mass rez available in Mythic? I thought these teams wiped hundreds of times per boss. Stuff happens in any difficulty that relies on other humans.
All the complaining here is embarrassing. if you want the mount, go do the requirements to get it. Or you can cry more, but it just reeks.
A few flaws with this. One raid happened like this, all ppl of this type of raid are the same, and two, in a normal, heroic, or mythic raid, if the group decides something, the group complies. I’ve been to several normal raids where they made wrong decisions. It happens all the time. So the LFR players excluded as deranged idiots doesn’t fly. Sure, some people in their are idiots, but you’re going to condemn the 90% of players that are just there because they can’t make it into normal? It’s just bad logic. It’s looking more and more to me, that raiders above LFR difficulty suffer from delusions of grandeur, and fragile ego’s. You point the finger as if “it’s in them, not me”, but normal isn’t much different other than a few guiding the raid. When a few people decide to lead in LFR, it goes just fine.
Dude i enjoy tanking in lfr and i have zero issues with it. Like i said to the raid at the time i was laughing at jailor lfr being a joke and i was willing to keep going but some were getting antsy at the amount of time it took to complete.
I jumped off, the other tank left but we pull it again with a stack of det and i solo tankled the entire fight cause no other tank joined.
Nothing about illusions of grandure at all.
In before you finally have the stuff to buy the gear then the gear sellers says:
Oh my! It appears I am totally sold out!
Why is the jailor a joke? If you are fresh out of ZM with 226 gear. Is jailor a joke? If you didn’t have your raid gear, would it be a joke?
I’m clearly expecting some level of awareness that I probably wont get. People play at different levels for which they are capable, and ALSO, the means they have. Some ppl have a house and kids to take care of, so they can only LFR at certain times, some play with one hand, some play without hearing, and some suck, but are just able to make it through LFR. You likely practiced and now are good at the content, doesn’t make those playing at lower levels inferior, or imho should it mean they are excluded from rewards Blizz has said they would get. It’s a low move, and my attitude has shifted that they are the same old and will never change.
First off… Friendship Crab hasn’t even begun for most of the free carry groups because of how over tuned the raid is still on Heroic. The groups I’ve seen like ARD have had to cancel their carry runs because they can’t efficiently carry people with what they have.
Second… Like many have said Friendship Moose and all the following Friendship Carries were a singular boss not 31. Especially not 31 “Heroic-like” or higher tuned raid bosses with affixes that will no doubt make these fights more difficult than a single Heroic raid boss kill.
Like everyone else who’s voiced their displeasure over this, I was looking forward to doing LFR for the Slime Saber. But now? I won’t be doing anything. I thought S4 was supposed to be the “Hey nostalgia, fun, enjoyment” patch. Now it’s the “Exclusive Club in Vegas that you need reservations 2 years in advance to get in only to get turned away because your request for reservations didn’t go through.”
I thought all the mounts we had to vote on were going to be available to ALL eventually. I seem to remember that being phrased somewhere in the past when we voted on the tree. But this is just giving one of those mounts to a select few. Your raiding scene is not as it used to be due to poor decisions made by higher ups because apparently to them it seems like “Surely harder bosses will bring back our player base! Surely!” Boy do you have it backwards.
Im a single parent with 5 kinds in my own house - lets not go there buddy.
I never said it did.
I want the mount avail in lfr.
Yes. The fight mechanics that made the fight somewhat ‘hard’ arent there - there is no dps check in p3, no beam to soak, bombs in p1 can go off without jumping into a hole and kill no one - the only thing that kills players in lfr is being mind controlled (no pillars to los behing, mc in p2)
Those people should all come to terms with it. At the end of the day LFR shouldnt be rewarding. To answer that first question tho, yeah Jailor will be a joke on LFR even with low gear because while your gear might be low, everyone else is definitely high enough to carry.
Ok, well if I have mistaken you for gloating, that is my bad, and I apologize, but I still think it would be beneficial for everyone not to treat LFR people as lower class, or sub-human, like some do, and it looks like Blizzard is on the bandwagon too. I’ve seen recent wipes in LFR, so I agree some bosses you’d have to try and get killed, other like Sylvanas, even though it’s last tier LFR rarely gets the kill on the first few pulls. Mechanics are the tricky part for LFR, because a good portion don’t know what to do, it’s not like their impaired and can’t learn. It’s just obviously the hurdle, so some bosses are nerfed so the mechanics are less impactful.
All good
I think its a bad move to exclude people from the mount in an experimental season and that i could serve as an oppoturnity to reward every player for playing the game at its core levels.
The fact we have access to fated raids in lfr, with affixes that might cause additional issues to completing the raid warrents every player a better reward.