Raid Respawn Points- Mythic considerations

I’m aware that trash exists between bosses to give downtime, more cinematic experience or whatever.

But on mythic difficulty specifically, where you expect people to be pulling bosses 50+ times. Just make release spirit put you back infront of the boss directly. Having to worry about soulstoning a healer every pull and if you forget you get punished by a waste of time is such archaic design at this point, especially for penultimate and end bosses. You’re expecting 200+ wipes on those, just put the respawn closer.

Amirdrassil was perfect. On mythic make more of the raid mountable so when you go through 50+ consumables in a night you can repair, buy off AH, and get mail easier. These are basic QoL things that mythic difficulty should be exempt from having to deal with due to the nature of being built for premade guilds who are going to be spending hours, days, and weeks extending a lockout and pulling the same boss


They added an item which we’ve used in my guild on our mythic queen prog as we didnt have a warlock as we would normally use a soulstone.

It lets you wipe recover easily but currently locked to eng only and the cost is still pretty high compared to other consumables.

As far as run speed go they have added potions which give very high speed buff like some of the previous raids. There’s one right side when you enter the raid and another up the stairs near the fast travel after Rashanan.