[Raid] Personal Loot Removed - How Does Flex Raid Size Effect Loot Drops?

I am not sure if this has been asked yet. A quick perusal of the forums didn’t dig anything up. It’s a simple question:

With the removal of personal loot, flex raid scaling now has a direct effect on the amount of loot dropped, correct? A 10man flex raid will drop, what, 2 pieces per boss? Will a 30man flex raid drop 6 pieces per boss?

With the nature of personal loot, previously, flex raid size had no bearing on loot quantities. Each player had a set (say 20%) chance of getting a piece of gear from each boss. Loot numbers thus scaled directly with players. Now that loot is GROUP LOOT again, I need confirmation that 30man raids will drop twice as much loot as 15man raids. If loot is static, we will adjust our raid size to 10man flex Heroic.

This is a really big question with one week remaining before DF. Any insight is appreciated.

Bump. Need to know this.


It’s also fractional. So just because you haven’t hit the number of players to get the next gear limit, there’s still a chance to get an extra piece based on how many extra players past the previous limit.

So if 10 people drops 2 pieces and 15 people drops 3 pieces (hypothetical numbers not sure what the actual cutoffs are); If you’re in a group of 12, you have a 40% chance to get 3 pieces, and 60% chance to only get 2. But in a group of 13, you have a 60% chance to get 3 pieces.

(Again hypothetical percentage numbers just for explanation, not sure what the actual numbers are)


Awesome! This is great. Do you have a source for this?

Im pretty sure personal loot had the same loot scaling with raid sizes.

You couldn’t get super lucky and have all 20 people get an item or super unlucky and have nobody get an item.

With PL the game figured out how many items should drop based on how many loot eligible players there were, them selected the players that won, then picked an item from the boss’s loot table approximate for their loot spec.

Source: my raid last night got 2 pieces on some bosses and 3 pieces on others.

Also the drops based on number of raiders (without chance of an extra piece) was how they did it prior to personal loot. I’m just assuming it’s been updated a bit more in line with how m+ worked past +15 in previous seasons.

when developers implement a feature and is successful and fun for a player is been remove, is been their mojo all the time.

they made the mistake of not doing content for players so how you fix that? make the player take WAY longer to gear himself. cheaper since they don’t need to create content that often, they will call it “more engagement”

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Loot drop amounts are the exact same as they were with personal loot.

2 for 10, 3 for 15, 4 for 20, 5 for 25, 6 for 30, plus extra loot (mostly set items right now), fractional increases in between (ie 10 is 2 + 20% for 3)

nothing has changed in that regard, it has been this way since they buffed drop rates a few weeks into CN.

Only time PL was full Personal and not based on the group was back when it was first put in, they changed that when they had groups getting 0 loot off a boss.


It already did under PL, and I expect the formula is unchanged.

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Flex raid size had an impact upon the number of items awarded in PL as well, that hasn’t changed.

personal loot was better why i need to keep rolling for things i can’t use, pass to my alts. have to do 100 runs that you can only do once per week. just to get gear. this means you will properly gear your character till the end of the expansion. no one will last that long in the game if they don’t see their effort doing raids and m+ and getting loot