Raid loot lockout should reset after you have cleared each boss in a wing for the week

In order to bring raiding a little closer to par with M+ when it comes to gearing, each wing should have its own reset that occurs once you clear every boss in the wing allowing you to run it again for another shot at loot.

Its kind of stupid how much better M+ is for gearing as opposed to raiding. This might help to bring them more in line, with also making sure people stick for all the bosses in a wing for the loot reset.

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M+ is more farmable than raid yes, but having each wing have its own reset could be problematic.

Raid bosses have “very rare” loot that could be farmed very quickly. This could also impact legendary raid drops. For example, the current raid has 3 wings with only two bosses in it. You could just repeatedly farm two bosses. Sarkareth is alone in his wing, so would you be able to farm him repeatedly?

I do agree that there could be more loot balancing between raid and M+ because currently M+ allows you to gear up more quickly, but it’s a tough problem to solve.

If raids ever had their lockout system changed to allow repeat runs like M+ does, you can bet that the loot system would change to go along with it. Would this sound like as good of an idea if loot was only awarded at the end of the wing like in M+ and it was up to 5 items depending on group size?

Up through heroic shouldn’t have a lockout at all.

why so you can come to the forums and complain there’s nothing to do when you end up fully geared in less than a month? I dont think so.

ya why not? That’s not a terrible idea honestly.

I’d even include it in the IO ratings.

I would assume that the wings would be laid out with a new system in mind.

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I personally wouldn’t care, but I would say that it would present problems similar to M0 in that you could target specific bosses for loot…which would make gearing too fast. (Blizz problem, not player problem)

If they were to make raids farmable similar to M+s, they would need to change the loot system so that the table pulls from all available bosses and is rewarded at the end.

yeah that you get far less loot per raid. thus now forcing you to do a raid multiple times a week to get the same loot you did previously. sound fun? no? well thats what would happen. blizzard isn’t going to get rid of a system just to make one that would basically just hand out loot. anyone who just raided one raid a week would fall further and further behind each week.

The issue is people don’t want to need to farm the raid 5 times a week to stay competitive.

I agree m+ is generally much better than raid for gearing and that’s a problem, but this isn’t the solution

because thats most likely what would end up happening. you can’t have your cake and eat it too. blizzard is NOT going to be allowed to design a system that requires less engagement time for the same reward. Im not defending them just being realisitic.

Honestly I think we just need reroll tokens again, that would bring things in more line to M+, without making raids spammable. All in all it just comes down to blizzard inventing more and more treadmills that will inevitably lead to more problems.

If that will put an end to the posts we see every month or 2 calling for M+ to follow the same archaic loot rules that raid has, I could live with those complaints…

to be replaced by threads every single day after the first 4-8 weeks “BLIZZARD IM BORED I HAVE NOTHING TO DO NOW THAT IM FULLY GEARED!” or people just unsubbing after those weeks and blizzard not be happy about that.

I agree it will never happen for that very reason. It just gets old seeing some raiders insist the solution to their paltry gearing is to make every other gearing source to be just as paltry, rather than coming up with a way to get more gear out of raid. Raid can probably never offer full item level with no lockouts lest engagement would drop, but perhaps lower item level could become farmable from raids and the vault offers the full item level (similar to how M+ works).

I mean I dont think it’s realistic to expect them to remove the lockout in the first place, for that reason.

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