Raid Loot Droprates Tuning -- February 16

While this is a good change I can’t see myself praising blizzard when they caused this problem in the first place


I think it’s a really nice change for raiders. Not that it effects me since PvP gearing is OP, but it’s still nice for my guildies.

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I mean when a child spills a drink do you scold them for trying to clean it up?

Reverting the loot drop rate nerf, just like you had to revert the frost mage nerfs you put through at the beginning of the xpac? You don’t have a clue what you are doing and it shows.

Subs must have been falling dramatically to get the dev’s to admit mistake and backpedal so quickly. At least you understand the community isn’t just going to put up with every nonsense you try to shove down their throats. As for me it’s too little too late and such a show of incompetence that I’ve already unsubbed and now playing another mmo.

Good luck with the future dev’s, it’s obvious you’re going to need it.


Are you also going to tune timewalking raids to match or going to forget about it like last time then release another “oops” post we will hotfix to match?


Exactly. They got so much right in SL but hold to these seemingly vindictive ideas.

Raiding was already dying - especially on the alliance. And its the focal narrative point for the story! - Raids drive the story
 why discourage an already more difficult to organize part of the game?

Makes me wonder if solo Queue RBG’s will happen.


Yes please! especially the weapon token drop increase!

Your comment gave me a much needed laugh tonight. :sparkling_heart: :smiley:

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throws you out the front door like Jazzy Jeff

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Better late then never but next time don’t be late

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Nice nice nice.

Next tier is shaping up. Maybe next weekend will bring me back. Just gotta hear what else there is to do, other than loot fixes. But this is great, guys.


amazing really

FF14 player base “we don’t like the way the loot works in the new content”

within 2 weeks, acknowledge feedback, communicate with community, hot fix

WoW Playerbase : “we don’t like the way the loot works in the new content”

in 5 months, ignore it, try to justify it with a “you think you want this but you don’t” attitude, try to band aid it 3 times, justify it again with a marketing approved interview with PCShil
gamer to just show Ion is indeed alive, then fix it, kinda


At least they aren’t doubling down on bad decisions until the final patch like with BFA.

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With the covid crisis I find myself worrying about this more and more. I think Blizz should require daily posts from Watcher

now can we fix the before .5 not up gradable pieces

I worry that it specifically says “Castle Nathria”. I’m assuming that just means we’ll go back to 35 anima in 9.1

So how much is more often? Why can’t they give an honest % of what that exactly is?

Hey guys we went from nothing to little to nothing
aren’t we great?
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: