Raid Locked out AFTER leaving group

I started a Mythic HFC raid, with 3 other people to do achievements up to Gorefiend. We did all of those and then I lef the group and hearthed to Orgimmar because i want to do the rest solo, for loot. When i got back to HFC 5 minutes later, i zoned in to those 3 players killing Mannoroth and i instantly got saved to that lockout. It gave me the option to Leave instance to not get locked out, which i clicked, but i got locked out anyways. and i left that group 5 minutes ago, why am i in their instance still??

Aren’t Mythic instance lockouts still locked to the members of the group, even for old instances? What you’re talking about certainly sounds like that.

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So if i leave after 1 boss and the group finishes the raid, im fully locked out for the week?

Yes. it is one common lockout shared by all members of the group.

If you type O (not in your chat box) to get up your Social menu, and click on the Raid tab on the bottom, you should see the state of all your lockouts.

It makes sense in the context of current content. I’m a little surprised - but then again, not shocked - to see that this rule still applies to old raids.

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Okay thanks for letting me know thats how that works. I dont see how that makes sense in current content though. If a player has to leave a raid early they shouldn’t miss out on loot for the week.

It only happens in mythic raids which are still tied to IDs.

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