Raid Kick Increase Survival Hunter Damage

If you’re getting kicked from a raid, it’s a you problem and not the class you’re playing.


The only positive change they could make to sv is returning sv to a ranged spec.


I would prefer they leave it alone versus that.

Simple damage increase across the board not huge, increase damage mitigation some not huge.

Fix disengage, and turtle, lower the timer on intimidation, fix trappers net as far as I am concern it is very flaky on how long it last.

Increase range of trappers net…

Whoever is working on the survival hunter has made them a victim of almost everything they rolled back.

Make a new class with the same attributes just pump them up some.

You have to play that hunter real hard, I have a warlock I just made I can use three keys to gin up a 60k green ball of damage.

I am totally perplexed by that ???

I have played the same toon since shortly after the game game out, so when I started running into classes that I was getting thrashed by on a regular basis.

I come to find out they are just more powerful and easy to play by design.

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This made me laugh out loud. BM is harder than survival now days. Now last xpac, yes. Now? No.


SV’s skill cap to me is lower than MM or BM’s, but not necessarily low, being close to the spam-ability and tricks of a Rogue.
The best thing for MSV is to add another spec that’s a Ranged SV.
It feels like hunters in general have gotten a little… weaker or feel harder to use in 8.3, compared to 8.2 and below when I felt like a truck hitting mobs.

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They are under powered and made out of glass at least the SV is …

Sounds like a LtP issue. The more you know.


Dont hold ur breath,sv will always be the go to pvp and bm is raid,mm lets not talk about that,if u really care about dps u should just go with the better spec or class…

Why play Surv if there are tons of melees way better than Surv. ? Abandon your SV and play DH. If you want range, go BM.

Nothing to fix, Disengage and turtle working all good.
No need to lower CD on intimidation, want shorter cd play a diff class. You have traps to use in that 60 sec.
Net doesnt need any changes, works fine, useful in some cases. Its more there as another cc/slow while chasing a different target.
Range is 40yard… thats already plenty enough.

The more it goes, the more its a YOU problem real hard there. You never took the time to learn survival properly, instead you come to the forums to claim there’s a problem with them. “It aint me, its the class, Im too elite to be bad”

PvP pov, Survival is more complex.


how many traits? Anyway I tried to explain and am not good as pro. That 2 traits is best to go with TotS , WFI and AP from talent. Venomous Fang is great to go with AP from talent. if you’re going to use Mongoose then get Blur traits and BoP from talent.

3x LP and WS or 3x Blur and WS are still good. However Blur is top dps and 1 trait of WS is the most important for SV.

Anyway learning and leveling SV in BFA is easy. I used 1st ToTS before switch to Mongoose Bite. TotS is Basic Talent unit you learned the rotation from other abilities before going to use Mongoose Bite. When you improved then go for Mongoose Bite then fit in the rotation and surprise your dps is going up.

Do not throw Aspect of the Eagle on cd and only cast it when u can’t reach for melee range or get out of melee grp when u got debuff of explosive. Example… boss do melee aoe for xx sec then u can disengage before it start and throw AotE during boss melee aoe unit finish then harpoon back in.

SV has lot of avoid to do in and out repeating and not staying long at melee like warrior, demon hunter and rogue do. So Practice unit you get to know SV playstyle and they have 2 or 3 different ways from the build i think.

Idc about topping the dps, Elitism want top dps, race and rush to get it done. if they see low dps, bad skills, and etc bad then they’re alway kicking to find better dps. That why I don’t like them and it can lead to Social Chao(hate, argument, disrespect, and etc negative). So best is to go with guild or friends.

I rather chill, be good at Survive and Avoidance. Because there is plenty of times ahead to get gears unit next expansion. Elitism will lose soon i hope… :unamused:


No problems, just discussing things and the deficiency and disadvantages Survival Hunters have …

Before you started playing, the game in general was more competitive, nerfs were not uncommon and sometimes fast sometimes slow.

For example the Druid in bear form always took a lot of people to kill but his weakness was that he had to come out of bear form to do a heal and you could silence him.

He then died, it was what should happen anyways …

This was actually debated and added for balance, the moving into true form to heal and then back to bear, some did it very very fast… You had a window of about 1 to 2 secs to silence him.

Now they added back what they took out and you hear people complain and well of course they do. Who wants to spend all the attention and time of a BG on a Druid and not on competition.

The act of beating on that Druid by so many is almost well … ummm Strange ???

Pally could be silenced right before his full heal…

You could break 2 stuns, and stuns were like 3 secs then max.

I ma just saying this to say you do not know what you’re talking most of the time as it pertains to combat and trading blows to win.

Your accustomed to a non play play style, a person goes afk basically and you dispatch them with your talents…

DH is a joke a total joke, the damage from that bat is off the charts and possibly topping them.

I just asked for what everyone is is playing with, if what I work with is fine then maybe you should ask for it for yourself as for me it is a poor tool kit ,

I want to engage the other player not stand motionless and watch them take me out, if I can make a move in under 5 secs then give me the move.

You only fear competition, break everything up in 3 sec windows I smoke you like a cigar…

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Trying to correct yourself now ? Before I started playing ? haha, so youre saying youve been playing since Alpha ?

Game still is competitive, punish more bad players. Balance always happened on every patches.

The only thing I got from that reply… Im inexperienced in PvP, things didnt go my way when I did, so clearly the class is broken. No no, aint because I broke my own CCs due to lack of control. No I totaly didnt try to stun someone that got stun DR… no no I would never use my traps on a dotted player!

You fear others will reject you because you arent as good as them… Youre trying to completely change your attitude on this thread so that the rest gets covered up.

Any random pug bgs would waste their time on a guardian druid…dpsing it non stop… but any good player would take those down without too much of issue… because they watch their CDs.

Venomus Fang on all three pieces if you can and latent on one at least, look for serrated jaws and Dire consequences too.

If you can get Dire Consequences and Serrated and Venous on 2 pieces with high crit and mastery you will get some real hard hits I mean real hard…