Raid Guild Etiquette

  • If raid starts at 8, be on at 7:30 preparing

    • Update your addons
    • buying pots, flasks, elixirs etc.
    • traveling to the raid
    • be repaired
  • If the guild raids 2 or 3 nights a week, you’re expected to show up to all 3. Unless you communicate it to your officers/raid leader AHEAD of time, not 30 minutes before raid.

  • Don’t leave the raid once you kill all the bosses you need loot off of, you’re expected to be there the whole time.

  • If you have an issue with how loot was distributed, private message your officers. Don’t sperg in voice chat holding the whole raid up.

  • Don’t call out things during the boss fights if you’re not the raid leader. If they aren’t calling things out, explain that to the raid leader in private message when not fighting that you would like more communication during the fights.

  • Don’t ask for buffs (they’re working on buffing everyone I promise) unless it’s right before a pull.

  • If you are unsure of raid mechanics, ASK the raid leader to explain it again. I would rather you ask than keep dying or wiping the raid because of your pride. Noone will be upset you ask for more communication.

  • Do your own research on the raids. Generally, you should come into a raid with an amount of knowledge on all the fights and your role during each fight.

  • Ask if everyone is to release after a wipe if not communicated. Nothing wastes more time than waiting on you to run back and be summoned then rebuffed.

  • Use push-to-talk, even if the voice channel you’re in is mic activated, you should have a way to eliminate all background noise. It’s seriously annoying to hear a TV going the whole raid.

  • If you have suggestions for new boss strategies, tell an officer/Raid leader and don’t get upset when they don’t try it immediatly. It’s their raid group not yours.

  • Have fun and be patient!


Lol naw fam.

Aint about that consumeables life for ez mode raids.


Why are you trying to make a post telling everyone how to handle their raids ? Wouldn’t this be something the groups do themselves ?

  • thunderfury goes to the raid lead’s hunter e-girlfriend
  • sulfuras goes to the officer’s feral druid wife

Go talk to the person who upset you instead of passive aggressively complaining here.


at this point you don’t really need all your consumables considering we are on 1.12 ony and MC are pretty simple


I was thinking maybe he was talking about PuGs but specifically states Raid Guild…


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The post was intended for those who are new to the game. Not everyone knows raiding etiquette. Figured the post could help someone understand the hidden rules to raiding. :slight_smile:


No, sounds like this should have been posted on your guild’s private forum. Not all raid guilds operate the same way.


These are just the general rules most guilds operate under. I don’t think many guilds ignore many of these points.


I appreciate your post, Noods, and I don’t know why so many people are so uptight when you are simply giving basic rules for raiding. Most people would appreciate not having to tell fellow raiders this info during/before a raid.
I guess the rush to have the best snarky comeback is all-important.


These aren’t universal rules though - this is just how OP wants things to run.

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I am not currently raiding but I have in the past, and these “rules” seem general enough that I don’t understand why people are being so nasty about it. Seems to me that it could be a helpful thread to someone who has never raided an old-school raid before.


Download pallypower. Please.

You new here?

Seems to me this could be easily addressed by the individual guilds when they invite players.

Sure. And IMO, a good raiding guild does so (my own guild, which I am a casual member of, has a comprehensive guide so that no one can be confused about much of anything). But I still don’t think this thread is terribly out of place.

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Create a form of communication unique to your raid should you need to archive more information than can be conveyed in game
(Ex: guild website, Discord), rather than using the game’s general forums.

That point was targeted more towards say if your guild is having a hard time with Onyxia and your raid leader tells everyone to have a couple fire absorb pots for the night. Don’t be scrambling at raid time to go buy them, and travel to the raid. It can hold up the raid. Hope this helps!

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This is actually a really good post