Which is not an act I am doing currently. You understand people can speak about things but not actually be doing them at the same time.
I see no disconnect.
If they’re getting the job done and not being a drag, I would still be curious. However I doubt you get the job done often or effectively. Again, logs.
You clarified nothing. If you can show me ONE solid instance of me policing you, ill remove myself from the discussion with you. Which I will likely do anyway as others here have actual interpersonal communication skills.
You can, and would you call that being a team player or being carried?
The point is if you can afk your way through, why would you ever be critical of someone’s spec choice. Who cares? At least there’s one form of content where players can play the spec they want and it’s still viable.
Yeah, if someone is afk that’s an issue. Boot 'em. But if someone is at least playing their character, let them. Obviously playing a sub-standard spec doesn’t matter, so what’s the difference? Leave the min/maxing to the higher tiers of raids where it’s actually needed. Or…just don’t do LFR. If it’s not your thing, that’s fine.
This is more a reference to them in wrath and it was admittedly a dig at him. I didn’t conflate bad spec to afking in LFR. I used it to show that he actually doesn’t care about effectiveness in play.
I am not discussing that. I used sub optimal specs as an example of why people might question another players choices. You’re focusing on an example and combining it into other things I didn’t at all combine.
Which again, my posting could have been clearer/wording better if it caused this derailment of my point.
It’s not obvious, because it DOES matter. You bring your frost mage in one of these raids, you’re getting the boot faster than that stupid shaman that wants instant queue loot, and talky to nobody.
What logs. Parsing, achievements. That doesn’t tell me or you anything.
Again, what logs?
I didn’t say you were actively policing anything. I questioned your logic as to how you can have a play and let play stance but then go on to mock others if they’re not conforming to your standards, using that “policing” post as evidence.
A bunch of randoms using an automated system for raiding had an effect on how you or your circle raid?
Yes… that’s conducive to the raid leader or leaders of that particular group…
You don’t get to cement that authority in a randomly queued group.
Let the randoms see for themselves what works or doesn’t.
What I’m doing is looking at LFR is a means to allow players to play what they want, experience the raids, and enjoy the content.
So when I see the elitist mindset trying to be shoved into such a system (not saying by you), I just ask…why? What’s the point. Let people have some form of raid content where they can just chill out and relax. It’s still not the best gear. So what’s the problem? Are people so upset that scrubs can get ‘decent’ gear? What a weird thing to be upset about.
So what you’re saying is, that you have no critical thinking skills, and take everything at face value… Fine.
Here you go @ face value: You are dogwater at wow. We should not pardon you for your lack of wanting to be better at a MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER game. IF you don’t want to group with other people it’s a you problem. Find some other game’s devs to cry at to give you things expeditiously whilst you continue to TRY to play the game at a disadvantage and call everything that’s presented to you in the game as “discriminatory”.
You’re sad and I’m kind of finished with you.
It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but I do have to accept the amount of players who want to do it ‘just for fun’ is probably pretty small. Maybe some transmog options to unlock, titles, mounts, pets. Stuff like that.
The ilevel is kind of whatever. Getting tier gear (even outdated sets) that give tier bonuses is fun and adds to the gameplay of classes, so there’s that.
I’ll say this again to keep things straight, if they add LFR as a means to get mogs and achieves and NOT gear to upgrade your character, I’m all for it. See above for the reason I have about the gear and it’s power. I won’t outline it 6 times, with this “Wafectus” guy here. It’s tiresome.
All I want is group automation for raiding; like I already have with BGs and dungeons, theoretically. That’s it.
While I wouldn’t prefer it. It’s a fair compromise. Still, I stand by my points that you should be able to queue up for what you want, anyway you want.
What i disagree with is players wasting or abusing other peoples time and/or refusing to work as a team. Speccing improperly for content (manual not lfr) is working against the team. Refusing to take input is hurting the team.
The shaman refuses to be a team player, thats why they want Q’d content and NPC groups. They also have logged nothing for cata and their wrath logs show their choices as being a detriment to any groups they join. (Prior to rdf and an expac before LFR)
I want people to play as they want to but also hopefully be aware that in a group there is a collective goal.
Also the absolutely irony that the poster against LFR is liking my responses is actually heart warming in a way. No shade at all poodz, i might not agree with you entirely but i appreciate that you do read. (Not a dig at zaalg)
Again. That doesn’t coincide with your anti-policing stance… Or are you going claim you didn’t make one?
And how is it that you’re determining that, I wonder?
Again, how is it that you’re determining that? A hybrid spec putting out 5k DPS is the same thing as a solid spec putting out 5k DPS. 5K DPS is 5k DPS regardless.
I didn’t join a random group to listen to your input. Why are you imposing your input in a random BG/dungeon/raid/skirmish, whatever, to begin with?
I pitch in, in my own way. There’s a difference in that and not being a team player.
What exactly is my hybrid spec preventing me from doing?
But there’s your poor disconnect from logical reality… You think the random queues are a place for you to impose that.
The only thing ironic is you painting yourself as a team player and chastising others for wanting to play in an unorthodox manner.
When I see threads like this, it always reinforces the fact that authenticity is the best policy. Blizz should just leave it like it was. Players will never agree on anything, but there’s no arguing authenticity.