Raid DPS Rankings On BETA Since July 24 Patch

These are the DPS averages from Mythic Sikran over many Parses.

DeathKnight-Unholy 742,000
DemonHunter-Havoc 756,000
Druid-Balance 557,000
Druid-Feral 735,000
Evoker-Augmentation 783,000
Evoker-Devastation 784,000
Hunter-BeastMastery 1,080,000
Hunter-Marksmanship 639,000
Hunter-Survival N.A
Mage-Arcane 731,000
Mage-Fire 680,000
Mage-Frost 774,000
Monk-Windwalker 719,000
Paladin-Retribution 759,000
Priest-Shadow 651,000
Rogue-Assassination 565,000
Rogue-Outlaw N.A
Rogue-Subtlety 645,000
Shaman-Elemental 886,000
Shaman-Enhancement 800,000
Warlock-Affliction 665,000
Warlock-Demonology 652,000
Warlock-Destruction 627,000
Warrior-Arms 779,000
Warrior-Fury 658,000

*Beast Mastery is non-conclusive because its performance was the result of a bug.
*All 3 Warlock Specs are bad (yet they got nerfed…typical dev attitude toward locks.)
*Shadow Priest is also bad. #priestsdeservebetter
*Augment Evoker is same DPS are Devestation so no reason to play Devestation at all right now. (Another Aug Meta incoming.)
*Rogues are hurting. (Ouch)
*Balance Druid is bad. (Probably first to get fixed.)
*Shaman greatly over performing.

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I don’t see frost Dk on there anywhere?

And by the look of this list, if you are playing a spec that is under 700k you might want to reconsider if you do high end anything.

The support spec for evoker is doing the same dps as the dps spec. It has been doing mad dps on beta.

Of the lower dps specs
i) some have really good hero trees that may make a big difference - fire mages and some warlock specs perhaps
ii) some are not only low dps now, their hero trees are bad too. There has been so much feedback on beta about these problem specs. Rogues and druids… Shaman was in the same place as rogue/druids half way through beta but got some attention.

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For reasons unknown to me, the frost parse got messed up some how.

Edit: i found out from the source that they just didnt have any Frost DKs participating in the parses, hence, no data.

Just when I think about taking my original main off the shelf after hearing that shadow dance is gone from outlaw/assassination


(I know, nothing is final, beta, yada yada)

What happened to Balance druid, that number cant be right no way its doing almost 50% less then the top dps performer

People are going to roll classes based on beta testing numbers and then whine about how “blizzard hates fun” when appropriate balance changes are made.


Its correct. Many logs, all compiled for these averages.

even without the numbers that’s a bad idea bro. their hero talents are DOOMED.


Gonna be honest, I haven’t even looked at rogue after I shelved it in like s1/s2.

At this stage I might just continue with brewmaster as I enjoy it and they’re doing OK even with the blanket tank nerfs

No, shaman is just finally performing. Leave shaman alone.

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We’re still in the stage of balancing where they dish out double digit nerfs and buffs every week, so things will continue to change. It’s a little concerning that we still see 20% or 30% buffs and nerfs this late in the beta cycle, but it is what it is.

But there’s probably no way around an even worse augmentation meta in M+ than what we saw previously. It’s not encouraging.

Why am I not surprised?

Though I’d wait for more clearer detail from when the raids and M+ open, to get a better picture from Warcraft logs.

100% tuning itself is bad enough right now that I wouldn’t even look at numbers. just focus on if ur hero talents make ur spec play well. Aug is outdpsing like half the dps on some fights, it’s not a good metric to look at beta numbers.

the name of the game. be aug or mage and win every season. :joy:

All 3 too. It would be a one off-er if it were 1 spec or heck, Ill even give you 2, but all 3?

The latest patch notes for beta were just put up.

Both druid dps specs got buffed.
Rogues got buffed.
A host of other changes (can read on beta forum).

Yeah looks like they addressing the right classes so this data looks accurate.

Unfortunately this means nothing. They are still heavily tuning things. Here is a snippet of recent tuning.

Diabolist (Destruction/Demonology)

  • Felseeker damage increased by 360%.
  • Chaos Salvo damage increased by 420%.
  • Wicked Cleave damage increased by 830%.
  • Ruination damage increased by 70%.
  • Infernal Bolt damage increased by 70%.

There is still are a couple weeks of this. With massive tuning changes. So the numbers listed here, unfortunately dont really represent much of anything other than classes performance prior to any tuning.

The game routinely launches with specs still way out of balance which end up getting hotfix buffed in the first couple weeks of raids being open. Choosing a spec based on beta balance is silly when it still actively changes even AFTER beta. It’s too volatile for a numbers-based pick to be a good idea.

Does this mean that there were absolutely 0 Outlaw rogues and Survival Hunters doing this content?