Grand Empress Shek’Zeer in the Pandaria raid heart of fear always resets herself when she mind controls you, and she always mind controls you (I guess players who are high enough level might one shot her and skip this phase). This makes her impossible for a solo player.
This isn’t a bug. Any time an NPC is in combat with only players that have been mind controlled (and are thus friendly) they’ll reset. Doesn’t matter if it’s current content, old content, instanced content, or world content - the behaviour is the same for the same reason.
You’ll either have to bring a friend or come back when you can do more damage more quickly. While old content is possible to solo, that doesn’t mean it’s a given.
What level are you doing heart of fear at? Because at 120 it is a joke.
That’s not a good design, and it should be changed.
It is just the way the mechanic works. As the boss has no-one else to “attack” as you are now on their side, they simply reset. All bosses with a mind control work this way.
Some mind control abilities make you stand still, such as the orbs on Mythrax. So changing it so that the boss doesn’t reset when you are MC’ed will cause problems for those bosses like Mythrax. You will be stuck in the encounter forever.
Mind Control = reset is not a bug, period. It’s how every MC-related encounter works.
If you don’t have the damage to kill her before it goes off, you either need to level up or get better gear. She’s been soloable on all difficulties since Warlords, and that hasn’t changed.
It is definitely a bug. Designing the game so that having someone mind controlled removes the in combat flag makes no sense, since ultimately the two objects are still in conflict, just one of them is helpless. It would be like dumping combat if a monster stunned you (or if you stunned a monster). The fact that the bug exists does not mean that the bug should exist, or that it is fine to ignore it. If you’re just going to argue to keep the status quo of bugs, your opinion doesn’t really hold a lot of weight on a forum for reporting bugs.
le sigh
When you are mind controlled, you are on the opponents side. Because of this, if you are the only one left in the encounter (i.e. not dead or MC’ed) and you get mind controlled, the boss resets as there are no more viable targets for the boss to attack. Hence why bosses reset when everyone in the encounter area is dead. There are no more viable targets for the boss to attack.
Plus there are some boss encounters that have their mind control ability be permanent for the remainder of the encounter and not on a duration. Therefore the boss resetting is a safeguard so your character doesn’t get stuck in the encounter until you force a log out and wait a few minutes for a soft reset to occur. An example is the mind control orbs on Mythrax. As long as you are in those orbs, you are mind controlled.
Just because YOU do not like something, does not make it a programming bug.
Besides, these mind control mechanics can be avoided by simply beating a dps check.
Whining about something that isn’t a bug and flat out ignoring the logical reasons why somehow holds more weight?
Again, these are for programming bugs. Not intentionally designed mechanics that annoy you. Use the suggestions forums for that.
I’m sorry but that is a very very very bad analogy simply because you are still a viable target for the enemy to attack you even when they or yourself are stunned. Likewise the enemy is still a viable target for you to attack if you are stunned or you stun them. Also some bosses have a permanent stunning affect if you do not beat a dps check. Sha of pride with his prisons is an example of that. Mind control puts you on Team B instead of team A. So if there are no more viable targets for you / the boss or your enemy (in this case other players) to attack, the encounter resets.
inb4 you ignore all of that and still whine about something that is not a bug.
Thanks for bumping my post. I think you’re wrong. And rude.
Then please elaborate why i am wrong other than “I don’t like it”.
And you are thick headed.
Think all you want, it’s been a thing for years and through all manner of encounters. Shek’zeer, Sha of Pride, Lana’thel, Nythendra, even Azshara’s encounter will reset if the only raiders alive are the ones that were caught in Beckon and become MCed. Whether the raiders stay alive as the encounter ends vary from fight to fight. I’m killed consistently on Mythic Nythendra when I get MCed and the encounter resets.
“This bug has been around so it shouldn’t be fixed because I’m used to it.”
A bug is something which occurs outside of the design intent. This is clearly intended, since there’s not a single entity in the entire game - player or mob - who will remain in combat while every single potential opponent they have is friendly to them. Yes, even those “I’m stuck in combat!” people have a non-friendly mob somewhere they’ve run past which wants them dead.
A bug is not simply something you dislike. It’s not something you think is a poor design, nor is it something which makes one or more aspects of the game more difficult and/or awkward for you. To that end, this thread will accomplish little if anything beyond demonstrating that you care more about bringing attention to yourself than having a situation changed.
If you want to see this changed, you will need to request it as a change. It’s not a “fix”, and since it’s not a fix QA (nor anyone else on any of the support forums) cannot do anything about it as they don’t have design authority. You want to make your appeal to the developers, who will be better reached through something like the Dungeons, Raids and Scenarios gameplay forum.
Thanks, random person on the internet, for working for blizzard for free. I’m sure if the blizzard forum moderators think it shouldn’t be here they’ll move it. To me, anything that goes against the underlying design philosophy is a bug. If someone is mind controlling me, that is a hostile act, and we should be in combat. If we are not, it’s a bug.
Mind control is in fact a hostile act that is part of the encounter, sure. But…
Combat implies two or more entities that can be targeted by one another for attack within a single area, instanced or otherwise. Just like you can’t attack fellow raid members, should any accompany you, Shek’zeer will not attack mobs who also attack the raid. There is no exception with mind control, you become the raid’s enemy, no longer part of the raid. If there is no raid, the boss has no reason to remain in combat and leashes. Simple as that.
Guys, as I said before this guy has a thick skull. Doesn’t matter how many times you tell him that it is not a bug while proving actual evidence (in forms of boss mechanics) and reasons as to why, he will continue to say so.
I challenged him to debunk my points in that short essay length post and he has yet to do it. He just keeps repeating “it is a bug because I don’t like it”. Report him for trolling at this point and just move on
Just wanted to hop on in and tell you that this is working as intended. I hope you’ll listen to reason.
To apply the same flawed logic, killing you is the ultimate hostile act. Yet the death of your character will also cause combat to drop.
Combat, at least in WoW, doesn’t actually require a hostile act. It simply requires awareness of a hostile entity, which is why you can enter combat by simply running past something rather than actively engaging it. While under mind control you’re no longer a hostile entity, similar to how your corpse is not a hostile entity. Without a hostile entity, combat drops and any formerly involved NPC/s reset.
And I’m mostly doing this because of how much it annoys you when your emotional argument is met by reason. If you just wanted an echo chamber of people to be as annoyed by this as you are, somewhere like Twitter or Facebook would be more appropriate - and equally useless in evoking change.