Raid and M+ tank returning for SL

I have been playing since BC. I started my first raid attempts in WotLK. This is were I learned that my ele shammy skills weren’t on par. I hated playing Cat so I skipped it and came back as a tank in MoP. I joined a raiding guild in Legion and lost my tanking spot to one of the guild leaders brothers.

So here is what I can offer you I am a tank that is willing to prep and do my research before the raids. I am a drama free player ( I didn’t complain when I learned that my off tank had his discord muted but I lost my tank spot). I will either main my guardian druid, prot pally or my vengeance demon hunter. Druid and Pally are my top picks. I believe in logging in early and being ready before hand. The main reasons that I feel out of love for raiding in Legion and BFA was AK and AZ farming everyday.

Here is what I would like out of the guild.
Discord is a must for raid night communication.
Raid nights any 2 nights Mon-Thurday at least 2 hours of raiding with raids ending around 11pm CST.
Raid progression is at a reasonable rate. I don’t want just casual and I don’t want to be bleeding edge, but ahead of the curve isn’t terrible either.
Non raid nights easy to make a group that runs M+ to get more gear for everyone.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to slaying big uglies with your and building a great friendship with the guild. My discord is DCH#8938.