Ragnaros vs 1.12 players

It’s not just one patch, it’s a culmination of many patches and updates to classes that drastically increased power level - on top of the average player being far and away a better player than even many of the top raiders in vanilla’s early days. That’s just power creep, and it will slow down by AQ40… just I wish we didn’t have that insane discrepancy.

It’s not really okay. If people at 60 in somewhat shoddy gear cleared it with the know-how, great. But these weren’t even all 60. We’ll have to wait and see when the rest of us hit 60 but MC hasn’t been remotely challenging to the average raid group at all on pretty much any server that didn’t tune them higher.

There’s really no problem with buffing them somewhat to be a decent challenge, but not too hard - which we’ll have to wait to see if that’s the case though I doubt it’ll be too difficult at all.

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THIS. I have no illusions that I’ll ever raid classic Naxxramas. It’d be nice to be able to clear something, though, casual that I am.

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I’m not sure how any of the 1.12 changes magically allow the tanks to not get devastated with the absolute joke for gear they’re wearing, damage dealers to do enough when their gear has no hit to speak of, and the healers to keep those sponge tanks up with the null regeneration and healing on their gear.

The numbers simply don’t add up. Not to mention that many weren’t even 60.

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So… can… you post buffs that drastically change the game? And… back that up as being the wrong choice to make by blizzard… and you know… back things up with other than how you feel… so you know… you can prove something? Idk. Just a thought.

1.12 is vanilla.

You don’t get to pick the patch, because that data isn’t available anymore. Blizz said they were giving us vanilla. That’s more or less what we got.

That IS how vanilla was.

MC was never hard. Casuals ran it all the time.

Unless something is actually not accurate about the recreation, it very much IS ok.

If you don’t like it, that’s really too bad for you.

No. You don’t get to dictate the tuning 15 years later. If you don’t like it, please feel free to go play on a pserver or PLAY RETAIL. Retail actually has overtuned versions of its raids.

You folks need to get over yourselves quick. WoW wasn’t designed with only you in mind.

I don’t agree that MC should be hard because it never was hard to begin with.


Each change is cumulative. If you add the increased damage/healing/efficiency in spells by 1.12, the re-worked talents, the nerfs raids and instances received, there is clearly a diference in power level regarding the current content and the 1.12 version.

Seriosuly, why some folks want to ignore this and claim “no changes”, when its a change in itself from the original stage of MC makes no sense.

Someone made a thread listing all the changes to raid content:


Because providing the 1.12 version of Vanilla is #NoChanges.

That is a change in itself mate. Because you have phase one with 1.12 power level. If you truly wanted vanilla, you would ask for the raid content to match the difficulty.

Makes no sense.


Not a change from vanilla, and thus it is #NoChanges.

You folks are asking for raids to be overtuned. Don’t come at me with your nonsense about changes.

Now we are going to have every guild with enough people steamrolling MC and Ony as well as a lot of pugs.

YUP. People pugged both of those during vanilla.

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It is a change from early vanilla patch difficulty.

We are asking for raids and dungeons to have the same level of difficulty during early patches. That is how vanilla was back then. That is what #nochanges would be.

You are asking for a nerfed version that makes early dungeon grinds and entry raids far easier. That is a change from how it was.


But it’s the same as 1.12.

Thus it’s #NoChanges.

This isn’t difficult. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to understand this concept.

Nope. I’m asking for vanilla. Patch 1.12 is fine by me.

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I don’t know if you remember Vanilla, but that’s what happened. MC and Ony were regular Pug raids, in addition to the more expected ZG and AQ20.

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Yup. I’ll only add that for the 40 man raids, pugs usually consisted of a core of smaller groups from different guilds and filled in with randos.

So… can you like post some data to prove your point so people can know which patch you as a person feel is the best?

Im willing to bet, and this is a hunch. The majority of players are not going to care. But thats just me.

I posted patch numbers for every point I made. I can’t post links on the forum (don’t know why).

You have to break the link to post it. Making it into a code block is the cleanest way IMO.


Looks like this.

I feel like those changes you posted in particular dont change much though. Tanking bosses has always been trivial to a warrior. And even with the buffs to the heals, priests still need to practice effecient healing practices. And evocation… really? Do you want TWO classes to be a meme spec in raids? Shall mages just wand down the boss by the time it hits 50% health when they oom?

You know I wish they had time to reconfigure druids for raids too, shame.

Its not a question of what I want, it about how difficult it was back in the earlier patches to down Ragnaros, in comparison with the later patches which buffed classes and nerfed raids.

Each change is cumulative: a little buff to efficiency for one class, a little buff to a dps class, a little nerf to a certain raid boss spell, general changes, etc.

Ragnaros was the main raid when only 8 debuff slots were allowed on bosses. By the time 1.12 was live, you could have a total of 16. Its pretty clear that if you add all of those changes, killing a boss requires much less dps than it originally needed. That is why, by late vanilla, MC and Onyxia were just loot farms.

They are not supposed to be that much hard in early phase one, but also not as easy as they are right now.

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