Ragnaros in Anniversary Event bugged

Did the same for me tonight, after spending 2 hours with my guildies, who all got the mount while someone complained and tried to kick me because the rogue was “not helping.” Even the dead got the mount, but I was totally locked out in the Firelands.

I can report that despite my rogue being unable to do attempt this without still being ported to the just inside the entrance of Firelands, I attempted the quests and fights on mt Vold Elf Hunter, and (after a few attempts with the group) she successfully got the mount after a group win.

I did have to do the three raids from scratch on my hunter, but i luckily got a nice ring as well as the mount for my troubles.

Can confirm the killing spree issue. I was getting ported out constantly on my outlaw rogue, missed out on 2 kills because of it. So on the third run, I did not use killing spree (or grappling hook) and was not ported to the entrance!

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It’s doing it even without KS. I went Mut (Assassination for the cool kids) and still got ported. Along with the other 4 Rogues in my group. Went in on my DH, popped Blade Fury, had 0 issues. Didn’t even get teleported.

Brings me back to the days of popping KS in Cata and getting dropped through the world. That was nice.

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Also rogue…I got ported to firelands my first time. Did it again, this time without killing steal or grapple and i was good. Got the mount!

i had to actually go out of my way to log in so i could comment on this for my first ever post on any forum or thread for wow or any game for that matter because holy s*** man thank you. i was losing my damn mind. i turned off my add-ons and restarted the game after trying different groups. after reading that i went and tried again and removed killing spree from my action bar for that fight so i didn’t accidentally use it and holy s*** it worked. i was flipping my s*** when it would auto release me to the actual fire lands. seriously, thank you thank you thank you!!!


So after 3 hours of trying to do so seen the thing about killingspree and grapple, finally beat rag without use of those, finally able to finish quest but didn’t get to loot chest, I think Blizzard should send me two free daggers on my 120 rogue for screwing me.

can confirm it’s still bugged for rogues. while it’s nice and all that we found tricks to not get teleported (no killing spree, no grapple etc), this bug is getting ridiculous. Can someone in blue please address this? It’s almost 2 weeks since the event. i hope the next maintenance update can patch this

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