when you get ported you get stuck in a loop in the chromie teleport
This! Also repeatedly disconected
I am also having a problem, stuck in endless time loop.
This fight is bugged. Half the raid goes offline being in time loop.
I edit my original post with video link
Not going to lie, I looked to see if I was in that group with you because I had the same problem (including the dc) when I ran this on my priest.
Same here. I can’t complete the Cata raid because of it.
Same issue here. Was really looking forward to doing this as I have been looking forward to getting this mount all year, and was having a great time up to Ragnaros. I guess I’ll just have to sit it out until it’s fixed, it’s not worth even trying right now.
You’d think Blizzard would play test the 5hit they put out. Blizzard this is why you’re losing fans!
If you can get him to 30%, you win at least
Ugh, this is unplayable. We’re at 8 stacks of determination. Come on Blizz…
Was just in a group, dismissing pets didn’t work to fix it. Standing still and not attacking for 7 seconds then start attacking did work though.
Same issue with Rag bugging out, 4 different groups
bully thru it. its the only way. we ignored the adds and focused on rag thru the time warps. it took a long long time.
think this was my third group that finally did it. this event needs work, blizz, youch
Same thing happened to my group. This was a pain. It seemed completely broken and unplayable. Do they not test anything before release?
i just did it. it kept looping, but we killed it
here’s a workaround.
When the RAID zones in for the fight. The entire raid must stay still and not do ANYTHING for 10 seconds. Any movement/action before that bugs the fight.
I went to do this and got caught in a teleport loop with a sidedose of disconnect each time on the Rag fight. Was not fun, just gave up and left in the end.
Yeah good luck with that in a Pug.
It’s happened to 2 of my alts, we were somehow able to faceroll through this crap and finished this.