also why aren’t you on discord snarking this thread with me. pfft.
hope that means all the retail people will get out of classic instead just harassing everybody just because their life is boring lol
I pRoMiSe YoU gUys No OnE WiLl KiLl It WeEk OnE.
Perhaps all three, Crawdad.
My goodness, what a spicy post that you deleted.
Going back through all my posts trying to figure out what you saw as my hate. The only thing I can come up with was where I responded to “Elite Players make this game look like a big joke” with “This game makes elite players look like a joke” since the point of the game for me and most of us playing is enjoyment of the flowers and coffee along the way.
Did I get that right?
Neato. I’ll be running around in Redridge some more tomorrow. I’m well on my way to getting my Verigan’s Fist, so that’s exciting.
Commenting for future laughs
I left my discord shut today.
nah im waiting in a 10k to play an amazing game.
Nothing else to do MY GUY.
I kind of question though this vanilla authentic experience if they are able to clear in the first week
The only thing that made all of it worth…was the moment they hosted Method after beating it. I’m sure methods investors are having anxiety attacks.
Had people who played in 2004 known where every quest was, how to do them effectively, how to get certain key items, how to access the dungeon , all of the boss mechanics (the few that exist), all of the rep required, etc. it would of been downed a lot sooner than it did.
People were playing the game blind then, not now. Think of the first time you played Zelda (or whatever replacement) you had no clue what bushes held a secret, or cave entrances, etc. Go back to it and you can clear it in like 30-60 minutes because you know where everything is.
There were lots of hardcore guilds in vanilla too. However, just like back then. A majority of the player base hasn’t made it to end game yet.
Exactly. Let’s see when regular people with responsibilities clear it.
The only Rag clear that matters to me is my own. People have such a strange mentality these days.
That’d be redundant, because world first happened over a decade ago.
Can blizzard confirm this kill was legit and not exploited?
I would put very high money it was legit. They certainly did a lot of clever things to achieve it, but none of them were exploits.
Lol people here going “They’ve had years of experience on private servers!”, 95% of vanilla raid bosses have like one mechanic. Even people who have never played vanilla could probably speed run these raids with how even LFR raid bosses with half their mechanics removed still have more mechanics than most things in vanilla.
jesus let me get a day off at work before we go clearing raids.
The world first was done years ago. They have dinner nothing today a hundred good haven’t done before.
So crazy, congrats APES! It’s funny seeing all the talk about difficulty, were people really expecting these raids to last long? Even by WotLK or Cata most bosses probably had more mechanics than MC in its entirety.
The way I see it, and the reason I love Classic is that while the difficulty ceiling is obviously nowhere near what retail is (Mythic raids), the difficulty floor is way higher. In other words, while the hardest content in Classic might only be, say, 7/10 in terms of difficulty, the entire game (even just levelling) is always maybe around a 4/10; it’s somewhat challenging and engaging the entire time. On retail almost the entire game is a mindless 1/10 except for Mythic raids that practically no one can ever attempt.
That’s why I don’t think this affects 99.9% of the community at all. This was always going to happen whether it was Method or some experienced private server guild. But for everyone else it’s weeks if not months until MC is even an option. For most people the game is still going to be a nice challenge for a very long time.