Ragnaros dead

“skilled players” lol. It’s called playing non stop for a week.

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Grats to them!!!

tabs back in to the game and enjoys leveling, and being around like minded ppl

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There sure are a lot of upset people in this topic. Just accept the facts that vanilla isn’t some hardcore game that takes a lot of skill to get into. Vanilla was a very simple game especially compared to retail

a private server guild that has been playing vanilla wow for years vs method that didnt even hit 50…lmao.

who did you think was going to win.

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So a private server guild who has been playing “vanilla” WoW for years, who could also been known to kill Rag in under 2 min on said private server gets world first in a week. It doesn’t surprise me, didn’t people think Method was gonna do it first lol? XD

Vanilla isn’t fun, just tedious.

Hahahaha this is priceless.

BfA must be a huge joy for you to worry about what we think about Classic. :smiley:

It is fun af for some of us that just enjoy playing! I don’t care that it isn’t technically hard, it’s just a cool world to explore with friends.


you know i’m the biggest retail white knight in the game on GD. classic is a ton of fun though and feels satisfying imo.

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imagine that they have been clearing that raid EVERY WEEK since private servers have come out.

It’s sad to me that this sort of streaming world first uber no-lifing crap needs to exist and some people encourage it, but people will do what they want and it is what it is. Best to ignore it and enjoy the game as YOU see fit!

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No rep required to clear MC which makes it significantly easier. Also, there was a fair gear buff at this point in the game so the fights were much easier.

Had this been the original format where you were required to get Hydraxian Waterlord Exalted rep to even fight domo, it would have taken significantly longer.

Either way, there are only a handful of guilds that will be able to do this out the gate. it’ll still take most people a while. I think Eliteist Jerks killed rag 12-13 years ago in greens and blues to prove that it was already easy after this patch. This isn’t new.


I’m sure it’s been said before here in the 140 posts but everyone is missing the point really.

The difficultly of the days of yore came not from the mechanics or stats the players had, but the fact that NOBODY knew how to ACTUALLY WIN the fights or what the raid map and bosses looked like or DID.

Of course it was going to be easy, almost all raids boil down to “don’t stand in the fire” and these guys deserve the credit for their 1st, the certainly spent a long enough time training and learning the fight for it.

Gosh, people really are spiteful.


Why did they take away the Hydraxian Waterlord rep?

The only hard part was what they were already doing anyway:

The hard part is 40 like minded people, working together, raiding on a schedule like they are at “work”, without having drama about loot and accepting the way things work.

I’m more amazed that they were geared enough to do it? I can’t recall exactly how we did it, but I always thought that it took several raids until enough people had the better gear to then also get the end dude.

Oh, did not know about Elitist jerks doing it after this patch, in greens and blues.

Yeah, in my guild I we did it FAR before the drums of war/later patches. They would have been in Nax or something, while they were gone from the same server as me for eons.

They farmed the rep via having 60 mages in Silithus get enough for the one-time use dousing (does not require max rep) and also resetting trash mobs.

No one listens to you Dekkar!

For me it isn’t about the raiding. It’s about the play… It’s about the people … I have a screen shot of people lining up day 1 to get missing tools. One by one , not friends , just randoms … That’s it for me…


you’re a mean man. D:

Yep. The meanest