RAGNAROS as mount?! - A bonus for Classic Player

Do you think this could be cool?

When a player reaches Level 60 on a WoW Classic Server,
He will unlock Ragnaros as Mount for the Retail Version of World of Warcraft for his battle.net account.

Everytime you are summoning Ragnaros he will yell:
“Too soon! You have awakened me too soon!”

Why Ragnaros?
The Molten Core and Onyxia’s Lair are raids which are available in the first Phase of Classic. There is already a Onyxia Mount, but there’s no Ragnaros.
Since BfA / Jaina Mount we know that it is possible to ride elementals.

Cool? Or not cool?

Edit: Sry, it is not cool… It is hot… Because it’s the fire lord.

Shamans class mounts in Legion were elementals as well.

Ragnaros as a mount may be a stretch. Well with the Deathwing mount and Onyixan Drake mount there may be a ray of hope.


You really think Blizz would want to divert players from Retail to Classic?

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Do you really think Blizzard hates Classic or think that Retail is a better WoW than Classic?


Welcome to Classic. No, you don’t get an achievement mount.


As cool as the mount could be, and as convenient it would be for ME to earn said mount, I couldn’t in good faith back this idea up. I believe a lot of players REALLY don’t want to be forced to play Classic, just to earn a mount on live.

Still, I’m all for having a cool mount like that on live.

Nothing should be added that wasn’t originally there.

Frankly, I think the Classic servers should have to deal with thousands of people fighting over the same 8 boar spawns.


I agree, I think a mount would be pretty neat of an idea. However, like you said, I don’t think it would be that great to force people who don’t want to play(I will be), to hit lvl 60 for a mount in retail.

They have done cross-game promotions before(with games like Hearthstone and HOTS), but those had lesser requirements.

I guess they could make some type of pet/mount in retail, but only for something easy, like hitting lvl 10 in Classic, instead of 60(or something along those lines).

Hearthsteed = 3 Hearthstone play/arena mode wins
Primal Flamesaber = 15 HOTS games played with a friend with a Warcraft hero during the event

The most you’ll see at all is that you get a feat of strength in retail for reaching 60 in classic. Beyond that nothing. They stated they wanted to keep the games separate beyond them sharing a sub.

Sounds like a cash shop mount to me.

They’re both money makers to them. So no.

I think vanilla was better than retail, but classic is not vanilla.

Nothing you do in classic should have any effect on your retail account. I think they made that clear awhile back also.

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