Raging blow spam is physically painful to play and we are removing the only alternative

It is a bit crazy to me that they are removing the annihilator playstyle without actually replacing it with anything. The talent for longer enrages that is the “replacement” isn’t going to do anything for the spammy tempo of raging blow.

If we must keep raging blow (the reason for removing annihilator was they want to keep us using raging blow) then can we not have an alternative build where it ALSO has a longer cd and higher damage? I would love to play mountain thane for the thematics but honestly, I just can’t stand the super spammy version of fury we have now, and it just hurts to play after a while.


they are actually working on not making fury just spam raging blow in TWW, They just gave several BT talents a nice boost and gave bloodthirst a 43% damage buff, along side making bloodthirst proc certain things for one of the hero specs.


Yeah I touched on the talent they said was supposed to do that, it does not really help sadly. They said the talent with longer engrages is supposed to replace annihilator for “low apm”.

its not just longer enrages, you are swapping out 15% haste while enraged for your abilities doing 15% extra damage while enraged. so it’ll be 15% lower APM.

annihilator wasn’t necessarily lower APM, you were still 90% global capped, it was just more punishing for mistakes or bad rng. Edit: or missing a buff, i could feel the difference between having a windfury totem or not.


Annihilator vs Raging Blow’s play comfort wasn’t exactly about the APM, it was the spread of how you used your hand to press your keybinds.

Sure Blizzard’s original intent in creating a lower APM playstyle wasn’t exactly the end result due to the reduction in slam’s cooldown going into S3, but it was definitely a lot less RSI inducing for those who valued that in the gameplay.

Still a bit of an annoying loss from what was a pretty fun playstyle even if it was only viable performance wise for one tier.


To be clear, they also acknowledged that Annihilator never actually accomplished the goal of being lower apm either. Even from the earliest days of Dragonflight alpha, it was never actually a slower playstyle, that was just a one concept they expressed that it could be moved into, but never did.

As Kazecap stated, if slower is what you’re after, the new Powerful Enrage talent is what you’re looking for; while simple, it’s a much more straightforward solution than creating a multi-talent playstyle that various players inevitably will/not agree with.

That said, gameplay options (regardless of hypothetical APM differences) are good, and I believe there’s room for the two Hero specs to lean into different playstyles, without fully locking out anything the way Annihilator did.


Yea this is the problem though, it isn’t the apm its the repeated SAME button presses. DH when it was 2 buttons also felt horrible, but now feels much better because the presses are more varied.

Annihilator felt better because even if it was fast it is not repeated key strokes and you actually change presses a lot.

To be fair, RB builds also frequently alternate keystrokes, but a very easy way around it is to just make a second keybind for the offending ability. Fury isn’t exactly so overloaded that this should be an issue, especially if you also play Arms on the side. You could also simply try using WoW’s built-in hold to cast function or similar third-party solutions.

That said, no WoW gameplay should ever be “physically painful,” and if it is, I strenuously suggest making a serious effort to assess your keybinds, posture, and other external elements because these complaints often overlap with players conditioned to play with Bloodthirst on 1 and Raging Blow on 2 using their pinky and ring fingers, which is not a healthy setup, no matter how practiced anyone may be with it.


Setting>hold to cast> check mark.

give us a spec where we can just glue a button down and simply steer while doing unmentionable amounts of damage

Definitely not using my pinky, and fury and old havoc are the only specs that make me feel like I need to stop after a dungeon or two so I’m not really sure what to say. I’m hoping that the new emphasis on actually using BT more as well as RB makes it feel better.

There are 2 talents you take to use RB more often. One is a proc that rests its CD, the other adds charges to it. I’m assuming your build has the both. Is there a build you could use which doesn’t or would that gimp your dmg too much?

  • Season 3 Fury in Dragonflight didn’t use RB whatsoever.
  • TWW Slayer can be played without any extra Raging Blow talents, using it only sparingly as a backup rage generator when other buttons are unavailable similar to Whirlwind, but whether it will become a particularly effective build remains to be seen.