Rage posts

Never understood why people send rage posts after losing an arena match. Last night I was helping a friend get to 2100 in 2s for his duelist gear and I get 3 rage tells in an hour session after they lose, simply raging about me winning as a BM hunter and healer. I get it BM can be oppressive but its not unbeatable by any means. Lol why do people rage over arena losses? As if they are entitled to win based off past achievements or ratings.

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i would also rage whisper you


BM hunter scum


some ppl think it’s abbreviated as BM because the spec is called beast mastery

but actually it’s because it’s BM to q beast mastery hunter 2v2

so remember that next time someone brings you to justice thru whispers buddy


I wish I’d get a rage whisper every once in a while :(. Means you won


Most infuriating thing in 2s is losing to a backpedaling no skill bm hunter, which is 100% of them


Lol I dont even have backpedal keybound. Ironically or not they were all glads raging. Lol I guess losing to BM scum is too much for them to bear.

Nah, everyone else is wrong.

People rage because they think they’re hot stuff, especially the 2-2.1 players. 2400 Glads also have really bad egos. Just gotta shut them up by putting them on farm.

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cringe + ratio


Sorry bestie! This rage is justified :astonished::+1::flushed::relaxed:


Be honest, was it BM/rdruid? BM/prot?

I mean normally BM healer is disgusting, but it’s usually when you play something really gross that gets you quality hate.

W I fear + notification


Lol no it was BM hunter disc priest, which felt much worse than holy. I’d never subject myself or others to have to play against/with a prot pally in arenas. Even us BM hunters have some morals.

This is false


what’d u play before bm hunter and dont lie

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I’ll say mage


just checked pvp’d him and u were right LOL


I’ve mained a hunter since cata, didn’t play WoD, BFA or Legion though. Im not stating im skilled or better than others, im admittedly a hardstuck duelist at this point lol. My mage and lock are purely for mount farming purposes.

You’re playing bm, it’s deserved. Sorry

Lol how is BM any worse than let’s say a warrior which has a permanent 20% dmg reduction in def stance and can still zug zug a healer into the dirt.