Rage of the Firelands PTR Opening September 5

Yeah…that is fun. My leveling BE paladin got dropped fast recently at hyjal.

I thought the night elves wanted me to be there?

tbf, so are most of the new retail ones by many accounts. Even heroic. I’ve not seen it as I never bought it.

And they were supposed to be a challenge with nerfed tanks. They learned to not pull 8 mobs. they pull…6. lol

so the gamma dungeons again?
pls dont make affixes like the damn spider web ever again pls.


Who really cares if 359 items are in an upped challenge 5 mans? You can almost get there without raiding at all between BOEs, valor points, and ZG/ZA at this point. Maybe they put some 372s on some sort of essence system… oh well… sounds like it gets you right up there ready to do firelands between the drops, new valor items, new rep items, and the essences if they are there.

Nothing wrong with that. Only people it hurts are bads that still do like normal mode GDKPs.

The affixes are going to be even more poorly designed this time

Don’t worry

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Hopefully they make them decent while still themed toward the dungeon.

Example the air place can have gusts of wind that is an aoe knock back off a players position (think icc blood council) that you have 3-5 seconds to get away from it or possibly get blown off the sides. Then remove the fall safety from the dungeon so falling off the side is death.

And that one is done outside of some number tuning on the mobs themselves.