Rage of the Firelands PTR Opening September 5

They are phoning it in once again.

Classic wow is supposed to be a “love letter” to players

inside the letter it’s just “I hate you”


Will the guards randomly killing you when you take a portal be fixed this patch? Or will my jewelcrafters continue to die every time [Elemental Goo] is the daily? Its been months that this has been bugged.

Edit: Also no mention of the “Streamlined Auction House” that is still promised on the Cataclysm Classic page on blizzard. Meanwhile you can’t even find relics on the AH, because its STILL showing WotLK’s idols/librams/totems.


How about fixing the achievements and game mechanics that are not working since the prepatch release almost 4 months ago?


They don’t actually use these forums to talk with their customers

They just shovel out the slop and disregard feedback


Oh pipe down, you’re practically playing retail lite as it is :joy:

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This would be hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic.

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I am glad to see this coming.
I have stopped doing current dungeons because they have nothing for me.
These will be fun to play with friends and guildmates!

For those who continue to play a team game as solo, good luck in LFR.

Will these offer normal teir items in some way so the carch up system can get teir 4p without having to rely on raiding old raids+rng.

Gatekeeping? keeping raiding gear in raids is not gate keeping if you want raiding gear do the raids!!! its that simple imagine doing the content to get the gear that isnt gate keeping!!!


Call it whatever you want, you SoD players are a real miserable bunch.

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This is like “hey we ghosted you for 3+ months… anyway here’s what is next… kthxbai”

It’s sad at this point how a group of people can’t really communicate with their playerbase…


I’ve seen better service from DoorDash drivers than the people who run this game

If I was a blizzard developer i wouldn’t tell anyone because it’s really embarrassing how they treat their customers

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What lol? Za/ZG came out July 30th, its hardly been a month. They also released that classic roadmap before cata ever came out.

Gatekeepers are strange

Oh man whos ready for some parsin? You parsin bro yeah bro

because cata dungeons are easy af?

Being a Blizzard developer is now embarrassing in the professional world too. They’re so bad at their jobs as developers. They legit have to hard code fixes into their games because they lack the ability to create actual solutions which address root causes to the problem(like how flameshock targets become targets for fire eles rather than just fixing pathing issues all guardians/pets share).


that same bug where you hearth or port in to a neutral area and they just auto rip you.

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we as you in? or are you speaking for all of the cata community? Seems logical.

Bad timing on this one maybe.

In a short while many will be returning to a wonderfully dark future. Where there is only war.

I cannot lie. Space marine 2 early release will be the final go at this for me.

Faith in humanity or at least pre order with EA restored. Or I will leave truly broken and bitter with no faith at all.