Rage normalization is ok IF they make wars generate a ton taking PvP dmg plus PvP buffs

honestly, pvp is the only part that people should care about

as in. who cares about PvE when blizzard is gunna nerf all the content to be turbo easy anyway. content will be cleared, youll get the loot, who cares

so right now. in PvE warriors are kings, but in PvP warriors are weak. because in PvP every class is combining their buffs together to boost warrior dmg

how about this. normalize rage then make warriors generate a ton of rage from taking damage from players. this way in PvE its unchanged. and in PvP warriors can get gigabuffed in exchange for PvE nerfs that dont matter anyway

then warriors need some new badass spells

then give a warrior a new rune that says “heal a gigaton of health over 10 seconds based on AP multiplied by max health. costs 100 rage” and then a bunch of other cool spells like a intercept for 70 rage 10 second cd. and weapon tornados and flaming bladestoms n stuff like that

What about a semi-squishy healing totem that follows you around for 20s and restores % hp each second?