Rage economy question

they didn’t do that with warrior stances though. They simply removed stances, and then brought them back as exclusively a passive stat buff / debuff.

I really don’t understand why you can’t wrap your head around this.

Yes they did, several times and in a very similar manner to Druid forms in the context of reducing limitations on using cross-spec abilities.

  • A number of abilities lost their stance requirements throughout various expansions, until all such limitations were removed in Patch 5.0.4.
  • The shared cooldown between Stances was adjusted.
  • Their own effects were also iterated on over the years (the original version of Defensive Stance didn’t even increase threat generation!).
  • Tactical Mastery was repeatedly buffed, made baseline, and eventually removed as a mechanic entirely as rage limitations on stance swapping were reduced/removed.

No offense, but you are being very condescending for someone who doesn’t seem to have a strong grasp of the history. If you really want to get into the weeds, stances weren’t even “removed and added back” since all those ability limitations went away in Mists of Pandaria (at which point Stances became glorified buffs), and while Battle/Zerker were removed in Legion, Defensive Stance has remained in the game since. All Dragonflight did was extend the ability back to Fury and Protection.


In the interest of trying to keep my post shot, I did not provide an exhaustive list of every change they made to stance limitations before they completely removed stances. Pick nits and split hairs where you like, but my point remains the same.

No. I am being blunt. Would it make you feel better if I were overly verbose?

Listen dude, we just want different things from the spec. We’re not going to see eye to eye. Get over it.

No, you did not provide any list whatsoever, you made a very pointed statement that: they didn’t do that with warrior stances though. They simply removed stances, and then brought them back as exclusively a passive stat buff / debuff.

Which is simply not true for a number of reasons. As I pointed out, they’ve done a lot of the same thing to Druid forms as they did to Warrior stances with regards to loosening restrictions and reducing their gameplay burden.


This is a complete lie.

I really don’t understand why you can’t wrap your head around this.

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What does this have to do with the price of Fish?

Druids have their own entire ecosystem, where they’ve got access to other specialisation’s toolkits via forms.

Stances are not that for Warrior, Warriors have never had full access to other spec kits.

As already mentioned, stances are better now than ever before from a player’s perspective they provide a solid decision making process in all aspects of, do i want to be doing more damage? or do i want to be reducing incoming damage? and no longer punish the player for lack of tribal knowledge in having the correct macros set-up, or being punished with twice the reaction time stance dancing forced upon you instead of a single keypress ability.

I can fathom a guess as to why they can’t. They’ve got rose tinted glasses for the warrior gameplay they initially enjoyed when they were at their peak in the game, and since then have played at a more casual pace (evident from the dropoff in arena rating over xpacs, and lack of raid experience). Which is fine, not everyone needs to be a turbo sweat lord. But they’re coming from a more argumentative perspective, so it’s less of a discussion of likes and wants and more a who’s right. Which is never the way any healthy debate goes especially on the internet as all that does is eventuate in mudslinging.