Rage Against The Ban [M+ community]

Hey all. Just dropping an ad here for my M+ community.

Community: Rage Against The Ban

Community information:
This M+ community is heavily focused around higher keys. Many of us prefer keys 20+ and above but that doesn’t mean we also won’t help our fellow community members gear their alts.

Respectfully, it is important to note that this is not a community for those who are still learning the ropes of Mythic plus. I understand that yes we all start somewhere but there are other M+ communities who are willing to teach those who are newer to the grind. Realistically though with the goals we have set, it is best that our members have a firm grasp on their chosen class as well as a solid understanding of mythic plus.

Whether you consider RATB or not, I wish you nothing but phat loot in your weekly vault. :heart: :paw_prints:


TLDR; We’re a M+ community for people who enjoy pushing higher keys. Yes we have a discord. No we do not encourage elitism, toxic players will be promptly removed.