It’s target capped, so why force us into clumping into a tiny circle to use it? Such bull crap, our only way to reasonably spread dots, and it’s just crap.
Wish they’d just add 1 to 2 more charges already. Do the other DoT classes have so many restrictions when spreading them?
I just want a much larger circumference for the Shadow Crash. IMO if we were uncapped dot spamming, it’d be way too powerful. Spamming a few VTs for larger pulls, into a crash to hit the rest isn’t too bad feeling.
If the Shadow Crash was uncapped, they’d be forced to nerf our dots which would kill our single target and smaller pull DPS.
Our dots have already been nerfed. They are merely class cosmetics now.
Hard to nerf DoTs that deal like 15k per tick in an expac where player/enemy hp is several million
I like it in pve, seems to get the job done. I have noticed that in pvp, even when players are grouped, it only seems to dot one person.
I wouldnt argue with it being a bit larger. It seems to get the job done a majority of the time in pve. I have noticed that in pvp I have trouble getting more than one target even when players are stacked.
No they do not. And no other class is so weak and incapable of doing damage (especially AoE) when dots aren’t applied. This a massive design flaw.
I’d rather have one of the following:
- Two charges of shadow crash
- A sunfire situation where applying one dot applies it to all mobs in a radius
- Shadow crash off CD but costs some insanity
I’ve been Making the same suggestion for 2 years.
-Our talents have no synergy, Shadowy Apparition needs to go away forever.
-Our only source of aoe is locked outside a 20 second cd, just merge VT into SW:P and make it AoE baseline for shadow. There no reason for it to be 2 diferent spells anymore, it’s a relic from a time when dots were powerful and VT needed a cast time, now they exist only as a debut to trigger procs and mastery.
-Turn Shadow Crash into an AoE spender that deals full mastery damage and can proc a free cast like mind sear used to but in this case it’s instant so no chance of getting interrupted. Put Shadow Crash on a choice node with Psychic Link.
-We have no mobility, pvp is hellish turret punching bag, perma interrupted and locked out of shadow spells.
I’ve given up on my priest after 3 expansions, back to Frost DK for me.