Radiant glory vs standard Avenging wrath

Hello everyone. So I just started playing around with my paladin and noticed the new (for me new) talent radiant glory. I have been using and it does seem fun. However does anyone know if the difference between the two in terms of our average damage vast or really more of flavor?

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Radiant Glory is comfortably ahead.

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ok thanks. Was curious in case in the future I wanted to revert back to standard wrath. But I am indeed using Radiant glory since it does fit perfectly with Templar I think. Having the wings up during templar’s special move fits in perfectly.

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radiant glory is sadly way ahead. ahead enoguh that regular wings arent viable unless you have someone to pull around them

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Very interesting.

Not that I’m casting doubt but is there data to back this up? Really curious…

a 30 second cd that makes crusade more accessable that can be reliably extended and buffs each hol or dawnlight and es is more stronger than regualr wings

we see this on logs and sims

this ofcourse makes a new problem. with 60+% uptime on wings, wings or our base spec cant be to strong. more how means stuff like ts cant shine (which makes me the most mad tbh)

With my current gear the difference is roughly 85k dps, from 950k to 865k so its significant