Why is it 2024 and blizzard still doesn’t test things in PTR/Beta/Etc?
The Radiant Echo’s event is bad.
- There is very little content to it. There is a short quest chain that gives you zero rewards. There are 3 weekly quests to kill each boss, that give you 1500 Residual Memories each. Which you may or may not get credit for.
- The lag is terrible, mainly due to so many people being in the zone and crowded around the bosses.
- If you are not at the boss to tag it when it spawns, you will miss out on the kill, and have to wait another 90 minutes. I do realize next week the timing will go down to 60 min and the following week to 30min. I feel like this will get worse, not better as the timer gets shorter each week. There is a 30 second delay from when the boss spawns until it goes active and falls over dead instantly.
- If you choose to, you can grind mobs for Residual Memories in-between the boss spawns, but you get 1 Residual Memory for each kill.
- The costs for the rewards is fairly high.
- You are pretty much expected to be running the event on multiple alts to maximize the Residual Memories grind. Granted it’s a way to catch-up alts to before TWW to make leveling a little better, but what if your alts are already geared or you don’t have or want to play alts?
It is aggravating that Blizzard keeps releasing content thats not tested, buggy and not fun.
I’m going to slightly alter a quote by the great Bilbo Baggins in regards to this event: “It feels all thin, sort of stretched, if you know what I mean: like butter that has been scraped over too much bread. That can’t be right. It needs a change, or something.”
I’m not going to pretend like I know all the causes or answers here. All I know is that I don’t feel like playing this event because it’s not fun.
I’m just adding my voice: This event feels really bad. It’s the least fun launch event I’ve ever participated in, and I’ve done them all.
Blizzard, please. 90 minutes between bosses is way too long. There is nothing to do in between. If you won’t reduce the time between events, please make the mobs that spawn in between drop more currency. Something!
Go read the Wow Reddit sub; no one is enjoying this. Dragonflight was such a great expac, and it’s so depressing to see it go out on this low note, it deserved more.
Heya, maybe I’m too hopped up on Rumsey Rum & Dragonbreath Chili but I kinda’ don’t mind this event. I think the rewards are more than we’ve ever gotten in a prepatch event, and the theme is good, and it has some pretty funny references too. I lol’ed at this one in particular:
Typically, a prepatch event has just scattered occasional combat events with rng reward. The Dragonflight prepatch event was much more muted than this current one - from my memory there were just occasional elemental bosses that only made progress towards and heirloom. My feeling of the dragonflight prepatch event at the time was “so… there’s no content, okay.” But maybe I missed some massive engagement idk.
This (TWW) event doesn’t feel like it’s a chore given that it’s so spaced out, and it’s on par with the Diablo event and Hearthstone event - essentially “continue about your day in Azeroth and when it’s time to kill some big bad - come do that.” I also particularly like that it’s not so rapid and so high rewarding as to blast out in a day.
All of this is to say it’s not the best prepatch event in WoW history. Wrath’s prepatch event calling back to the blood virus has the top spot for that. I kinda’ miss prepatch events that changed the world a bit more - more stakes, something that fundamentally rocks the major cities. What if Valdrakken was plunged into darkness or something? Food for thought on future prepatch events.
TL;DR - is it amazing? Nah, is it god awful? In my opinion, no - unless we group in all other modern prepatch events. Does it suffice? Yeah! and I appreciate the rewards that come with it. It’s also really hard to separate out player opinion on the prepatch event itself versus the myriad bugs and other uncertain balance changes as of late.
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Okay, I have to give credit where it’s due; I just saw the announced changes.
Blizzard’s responsiveness to feedback not only improves the player experience during the event but also gives me hope for WoW’s future. You guys are doing great; thank you so much for listening to the players.
While the new changes are good there is one exception: Why make the quests account-bound? It’s a pre-expansion event. Who cares if we catch up all our alts real quick? The gear will be irrelevant really quickly in TWW. And some of my alts I haven’t touched since the Forbidden Reach first came out. So, the gear upgrades are all 100 ilvls each.