Racials Update - Suggestions


I’d like to add some feedback regarding potential racial ability updates. This isn’t an exhaustive list and I only mean to potentially contribute suggestions to the existing blue post about the racials update.

Undead: Cannibalize currently breaks from any damage and is usable on humanoid and undead creatures with a 2min CD.
suggestion: Cannibalize no longer breaks from preexisting DoT damage or preexisting AoE damage and can now also be used on aberrations. Cannibalize also recovers mana.
o (preexisting meaning the character already has damage-over-time effects applied on them and they’re already in an area-of-effect damage when the player uses Cannibalize)
purpose of suggestion: I was trying to play my undead character recently and I had some kind of DoT on me. I just defeated an undead foe and wanted to do some thematically appropriate “healing” behaviour. I started cannibalizing the enemy only to be interrupted immediately after using the ability. As a player, I became sad. My thematically appropriate behaviour was crushed. Adding aberrations to the list just makes it ever so slightly more usable which increases the fun factor in this context.

Night Elf: Shadowmeld currently has a 2min CD and is usable in combat. It places the character out of combat in stealth.
Suggestion: increase the cooldown from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
purpose of suggestion: The ability to remove yourself from combat is a very powerful mechanic in world of warcraft. Some classes in the game that can do this with their class specific spells: Rogue’s Vanish and Shaman’s Reincarnation (I giggle as I am a shaman main). I feel like giving an entire race, and thus their accessible classes, this mechanic (even though it is thematically appropriate given NE history from WC3 to present day) is very cool. Who wouldn’t want to suddenly go stealth at any moment? But maybe that “any moment” could still be healthily achieved every 3 minutes. Revisiting this ability isn’t suddenly new, it’s just been slightly revitalized from recent news.

Nightborne: Cantrips currently has a 10min CD to allow the user to conjure a mailbox that lasts 1.5mins. Only the user can access the mailbox.
suggestion: Reduce the 10 minutes cooldown to 3 minutes. The mailbox still lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds.
purpose of suggestion: 10 minutes is way to long to be able to access a personal magical mailbox from a very magically inclined race. I would also dare say, why only make it last 1minute and 30 seconds? Just make it accessible for the full 3 minutes. If the player needs it again, they can cast it again. This isn’t in my primary suggestion only because I don’t know if I’m being outrageous. As a seasoned player, I have toys that and a pet that let me access mailboxes whenever I need so I do have some potentially skewed views here.

Thank you.

Arathi ear choices should swap to Arathi racials.