Racials are mean

Remove all racials from pvp and make pvp set bonus reduce stun duration by 20%

I want to play x race and not get in a crowd control chain that lasts longer than my will to live.

[UPDATE 9/21/22]: Added to the game.
[15% CC Reduction on PvP 2 Set Bonus in Dragonflight]


make is so when i warstomp somebody thats hex or polly they die instantly



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Or hear me out, nerf orc


nerf rogue into the literal dirt then nerf orc.


We get it you want your kidney to last 7 seconds but that gives me enough time to pop my Adderal and pump the dps meters into the cosmos.


Nah I’d prefer if deeper strat and shadowy duel were removed but that’s a different topic. Delete orc thx

Eh, maybe.

Some racial abilities are kind of neat and I think that they could just nerf the favored current ones.

Hot take.

Its an MMO, and you should be able to play the race you like best without feeling buyers remorse. Its your character and your mog after all.

There are 3 options here.

  1. All racials are removed from PVP/PVE and everyone is free to play what they like

  2. Racials are borderline useless/flavor and everyone is is free to play what they like without concern.

  3. Racials play a much stronger role and all racials are on orc/human/nelf power levels for every race and allied race and some are situationally stronger then others but all of them remain very competitive and desirable for PVE/PVP. This option would prob be the preferred by both PVE/PVP but will lead to constant posts like we see now if all racials arent competing with nelf/human/orc power levels

I think racials should be cool cosmetic things that more so just add to RP or add to the immersion of the world but not instances.

Example is worgan racials where they can switch forms at will while they are out of combat, as well as use themselves as a mount

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Orc, Human, Night elf and Undead are all equally strong just depending on what class you match with it.

Racials are fine lmao

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well, what if I want to play mechangnome?

Let paladin be orc, undead and then i’ll agree with you :frowning:


u can lmao

You don’t.

But you can!

play at a disadvantage for the low low price of $30

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Now is the time more than ever to remove racially tied player power. Everyone is the “meta” race and won’t even think about race changing until the meta changes. Removing racial power just lets people race change to whichever race they prefer and not be gimped.


Do I get reparations for playing belf pally?

I usually take a sip of my beverage while I sit in a kidney shot.

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i’ve actually taken advil while in a kidney shot once when i swapped to nightborne for a bit.