Racials? Any plans to address this?

The stun reduction is better value than goblin jump

That’s a decent proposal

I like the idea of racials not mattering at all…I’m addicted too Shadowmeld, eventho I dislike the look of NE’s

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Still not addressed

Did I do that? xD

with everyone getting 15% cc reduction now you can delete this post and stop crying,


They should just change the human and orc racial to work on a different type of cc instead of stuns. Stuns are too prevalent in pvp, almost every class has one, so anything that breaks or reduces stun will be meta. Look at will of the forsaken, fears aren’t as common as stuns so the racial has some niches but it’s not op. They could make it work on disorients and blinds. Humans could trinket rogue blinds, orcs would have shorter db and have a window to stop the following poly, etc.

Actually sounds more op lol. I swear on any orc char I play the stun reduction doesn’t even matter. Still die in kidneys and leg sweeps all day without a trinket available. Felt like it was only really good when sub rogues used to do goes with triple cheap and bad ones wouldn’t keybind an extra rele/orc castsequence macro.

It wouldn’t since there are less disorients/blind than stuns in the game.
For example will of the forsaken works on warriors, locks, and priest.

A disorient EMFH and hardiness would be on par with that, it’ll have it’s uses against, mages, rogues, pallies that play blind and hunter’s scatter shot.

I’ll think it’ll be more balanced out.

I actually prefer being undead vs rmp. They rarely go me and usually try to cross cc me with a priest fear/mc.