Racial professions benefits

My rogue gnome is 190 engineering, but whats the point to have those benefits if they are useless. Its not just useless, but it makes you work more for nothing. When new XP comes out we dont start from +15, we start from 1.

…No, you start from 16. It allows you to effectively make things 15 points “earlier” which has a decent chance of allowing you to save materials while getting to the profession cap.

(The chance of a skillup is determined by your unboosted profession level, too. So you could get skillups from things that turn gray in your skillbook for another 15 levels.)

I don’t understand your rational. At one time these racial benefits actually helped but now they hurt because you have to actually earn more skill points until you are max each and every expansion.

150 - 1 = 149 points needed to cap.
165 - 16 = 149 points needed to cap.

No, it doesn’t require you to earn more skill points to cap out.

You are right they do do it that way. Last time I looked at this they made you go 1-165 instead or w/e. At least the draenai jc works that way.