Racial Improvements - Underplayed races

Honestly, certain racials like Shadowmeld, stone form, fire blood, and hardiness probably do need to be nerfed.

But honestly it’s a lot easier in my opinion to buff underpowered racials and make them more useful. Here is a list of changes that could potentially make some of the racials that simply don’t compare with the “big four” a lot more competitive. This is a PvP and M+ focused list, as most utility racials simply don’t matter in raids.

Blood Elf - Increase the range of Arcane torrent to 30 yards. Restores 4% mana for healers, or approximately 40% of the resource bar for DPS / Tanks. Off the global cooldown.

Tauren - Change health increase to 4% Max health. Warstomp is now instant cast, 3 second stun. 2 minute cooldown.

Human - Will to survive changed to damage reduction at low health. 5-15% between 40-20% health. Duration and cooldown who knows.

Draenei - 2 minute cooldown on Light of the Naaru AND it ignores healing reduction effects.

Mechagnome - Stat boost ramps faster. Emergency failsafe heal buffed to 20% 2 min cooldown.

Zandalari Troll - 50% heal channel over 5 seconds stopped by direct damage only - 2 minute cooldown.

Void Elf - This race is honestly okay. The buffs to spatial rift are a good start.

Gnome - Escape artist also grants 3 seconds of root / snare immunity.

Vulpera - Nose for trouble now resets every 15 seconds for each enemy or when you leave combat.

Worgen - Darkflight cooldown reduced to 1 minute. 60% speed for 8 seconds.

Goblin - Rocket Jump cooldown reduced to 1 minute. Ranged slightly increased.

KulTiran - Haymaker cooldown reduced to 2 minutes. Cast time reduced to 1 second.

Undead - damage / healing of touch of the grave buffed 50%.

Troll - Berserking cooldown reduced to 2 minutes.

Maghar Orc - 30% buff to stat increase - always boosts your highest secondary stat. Reduction in duration to curses / poisons / disease increased to 25%

High mountain Tauren - Rugged tenacity 50% buff. Bull charge cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes, distance increased.

Nightborne - 1% magic damage increase changed to 1% of damage and healing dealt again as magic damage / healing. Cooldown of AoE snare reduced to 45 seconds.

Lightforged Draenei - Active ability buffed, should hit for around 500k - 600k in current season. It has a large telegraph.

Pandaren - Quaking palm - cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes.


Give Diplomat back.

I wish they’d do another pass on Dracthyr racials as well after the initial wave of complaints. Although Glide is super nice, a 3min cooldown knockback and very weak Mastery buff will feel a lot weaker after the changes to other racials.

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the changes seem to be purely based on player amount, not by any stats- lol
blood elves racials are stupid awful imo, but because everyone likes them, people who aren’t competitive don’t care. if it was actually based on stats and balancing- they’d make a change

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If they won’t touch dwarf and night elf I’d rather just make all racials op in some niche way that way at least we can have fun with our unique pick


It does function in PvP but I’ll repost what I said in another post I made.


Good to know.

Mechagnome being buffed would be oppressive. Its already really strong. just generally not worth the aesthetic attached to it.

Draenei heal is good regardless of MS effects, the CD is just absurdly high.

Mechagnome is insanely stone, why are you asking for it to be buffed? At all? It’s literally meta.

Gnome is also, again, insanely strong and actually needs to be looked at due to how powerful it is in its niche. It’s literally required for PVP warriors and if Boomkin is ever meta.

Vulpera hard counters anything with a pet. Nose for trouble should NOT reset ever unless its effect is severely reduced.

Darkflight is fine with Blizzard’s proposed changes.

Goblin, again man what are you doing, this racial is LITERALLY META AND REALLY GOOD. 2min is fine, 1min is overpowered.

Kul’tiran haymaker could be reduced to 2min, but the cast time should NOT change.

Undead should be buffed by 200%, it’s so insanely bad lol

Nightborne AOE stare cannot be 80% and a 45s CD. One or the other.

Quaking Palm is fine as it is and undervalued.

No offense OP, but your suggestions are really ill-informed. A lot of races you suggested are already insanely good and you want to buff them because they’re unpopular? Please look at graphs, logs, and other resources firsts before going off of feeling.

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BE Purge is solid and the resources granted is fine.

Taking racials off the GCD would probably increase the popularity of a lot of racials that are seldom used.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


As are you lol

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I’d like to see Epicurean buffed a little bit, since it isn’t competitive with a lot of passive racials. Currently, for warriors, Pandaren is third from last. They’re above only Lightforged Draenei and Vulpera, and they’re not getting buffed.

To frame that, it’s still 22k under Mechagnome right now.

Indeed it’s not fair Pandaren loose a whole racial ability if they do Rated PVP. They either need to get some kind of automatic food buff while in rated PVP or some other benefit. I really enjoyed getting the buff in PVE but it really sucks loosing it when other races don’t loose their abilities in rated content.

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I do look at stats, this has nothing to do with “feelings”. In PvP nelf, dwarf, and orcs are so far ahead of the other races it’s not even close. I don’t PvE, so if you have a reliable data source for M+ that breaks down races by all means link it, that would be a lot more useful than rudeness.

I’d honestly prefer it if they made the Vulpera racial Bag of Tricks do some passive effects, rather than an on use. I think no matter how much they buff it, it’ll always feel bad to use, since it’s a global.

Maybe they could make it so the Rummage Your Bag ability could customise the Bag of Tricks, that way you could choose what the ability does. Like for example, make it a small passive damage racial like what the undead have.

I’d love to see Touch of the Grave get a buff. Maybe shorten the channel time of Cannibalize (and make it useable on any humanoid corpse).

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In what universe are Blood Elves considered underplayed?

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go to bloodmallet and look at racial sims for dps. you’ll see how good a large number of those races you said are bad are.

the truth of the matter is not every race is gonna be good in both pvp and pve. an insanely strong racial in pve (goblin) shouldn’t be buffed because it’s “weak” in pve. even then it’s not even weak and has niche uses. i’d rather be goblin over orc in pvp atm.

like idk how you can unironically look at troll racial, historically one of the best pve racials in the game, and then ask for it to be buffed. like how man, that’s just being ill informed.

I dont know what 3-5 of the racials actually are but i like all the change ideas.

Hell no.

This change would make sense for PvE but as far as I know, PvP has vers as the best stat for every class so itd have no effect.

PvE and PvP can be tuned separately. Its a nonissue.

I found this funny cause ive been saying Velf racials are potentially as good as Nelf. The teleport just requires more coordination. If theres any change to be made now, its just to have the teleport location be targeted. I have to wait for a second to teleport anyway, so might as well instead of being forced to rely on proper camera aiming.

They need to drastically buff the underuse races if they will not nerf the overused ones.

Not these niches buff they are giving them. The only that seems good buff is the void elf one all the others are still bad.

Worgen specifically, still a 2 mind racial with some minor speed increase, oh it stacks now wow such major change /s.

Honestly it seems like they don’t want to buff them to the level of the top racials.