Honestly, certain racials like Shadowmeld, stone form, fire blood, and hardiness probably do need to be nerfed.
But honestly it’s a lot easier in my opinion to buff underpowered racials and make them more useful. Here is a list of changes that could potentially make some of the racials that simply don’t compare with the “big four” a lot more competitive. This is a PvP and M+ focused list, as most utility racials simply don’t matter in raids.
Blood Elf - Increase the range of Arcane torrent to 30 yards. Restores 4% mana for healers, or approximately 40% of the resource bar for DPS / Tanks. Off the global cooldown.
Tauren - Change health increase to 4% Max health. Warstomp is now instant cast, 3 second stun. 2 minute cooldown.
Human - Will to survive changed to damage reduction at low health. 5-15% between 40-20% health. Duration and cooldown who knows.
Draenei - 2 minute cooldown on Light of the Naaru AND it ignores healing reduction effects.
Mechagnome - Stat boost ramps faster. Emergency failsafe heal buffed to 20% 2 min cooldown.
Zandalari Troll - 50% heal channel over 5 seconds stopped by direct damage only - 2 minute cooldown.
Void Elf - This race is honestly okay. The buffs to spatial rift are a good start.
Gnome - Escape artist also grants 3 seconds of root / snare immunity.
Vulpera - Nose for trouble now resets every 15 seconds for each enemy or when you leave combat.
Worgen - Darkflight cooldown reduced to 1 minute. 60% speed for 8 seconds.
Goblin - Rocket Jump cooldown reduced to 1 minute. Ranged slightly increased.
KulTiran - Haymaker cooldown reduced to 2 minutes. Cast time reduced to 1 second.
Undead - damage / healing of touch of the grave buffed 50%.
Troll - Berserking cooldown reduced to 2 minutes.
Maghar Orc - 30% buff to stat increase - always boosts your highest secondary stat. Reduction in duration to curses / poisons / disease increased to 25%
High mountain Tauren - Rugged tenacity 50% buff. Bull charge cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes, distance increased.
Nightborne - 1% magic damage increase changed to 1% of damage and healing dealt again as magic damage / healing. Cooldown of AoE snare reduced to 45 seconds.
Lightforged Draenei - Active ability buffed, should hit for around 500k - 600k in current season. It has a large telegraph.
Pandaren - Quaking palm - cooldown reduced to 1.5 minutes.