Hi my fellow WoW players and enthusiasts.
I would just like to know from you the community what the best flying mounts for each race would be, as I know what ground mounts works for each race.
Your assistance as a community will be greatly appreciated on this topic.
After reading some of the replies I have come up with a list of my own:
Human: Any Gryphon
Dwarf: Any Gryphon
Gnome: Turbo-Charged Flying Machine
Night Elf: Hippogryph
Draenei: Nether Ray / Nether Drake
Worgen: Hippogryph
Lightforged Draenei: Mana Ray
Void Elf: Dark Phoenix
Dark Iron Dwarf: Iron Skyreaver
Kul Tiran: Any Gryphon
Mechagnome: Any Mechanical Mount
Orc: Any Wind Rider
Troll: Bat
Undead: Bat / Mottled Drake
Tauren: Any Wind Rider
Blood Elf: Red Dragonhawk
Goblin: Xiwyllag ATV
Nightborne Elf: Mystic Runesaber
Highmountain Tauren: Any Wind Rider / Black Drake
Mag’har Orc: Iron Skyreaver
Zandalari Troll: Pterrordax
Vulpera: Waste Marauder
Pand: Any Cloud Serpent
I always have trouble with this too assigning mounts to alts.
Humans get armoured gryphon. (Still gotta unlock pandaria version)
Nelves get my teldrasil hippogriff.
Night Elves, Priestess’ Moonsaber.
Nightborne, Arcanist’s Manasaber.
Void Elves, Dark Phoenix.
Blood Elves, Ashes of Al’ar.
Nobody else matters.
I’d match costumes to mounts moreso than race.
But I’ve always felt at home on an Alabaster Gryphon on my Lightforged Draenei regardless of mog.
Worgen require Sandstone Drake.
Humans transform into Worgen, Worgen transform into Drakes!!
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Human - Gryphon
Dwarf - Gryphon
Gnome - Gyrocopter/Rocket/Mimiron’s Head
Night Elf - Hippogryph/Chimaera/Moonsaber
Draenei - Nether Ray
Worgen - Gryphon (Ebon)/Hippogryph
Pandaren - Cloud Serpent/Flying Cloud/Kite
Orc - Wind Rider
Troll - Wind Rider/Bat/Pterrordax
Undead - Bat/Demon Horse/Anything Spectral
Tauren - One of Thunder Bluff’s Elevators
Blood Elf - Dragonhawk/Phoenix
Goblin - Gyrocopter/Xiwyllag/Shredder/Mecha Mogul
Void Elf - Dark Phoenix/Anything N’zoth Related/Lucid Nightmare
Lightforged - Warframe/Mana Ray
Dark Iron - Firehawk/Cinderflame Charger
Kul Tiran - Gryphon/Parrot/Flying Boat
Mechagnome - Aerial Unit/Anything Mechanical, Really
Nightborne - Manasaber/Runesaber
Highmountain - EagleFlying Moose, the sensible choice
Mag’har - Rylak/Wind Rider
Zandalari - Pterrordax/Bloodswarmer/Bat
Vulpera - Vulture/Anything that can pass as a relic (Magic Carpet, Flying Cloud, etc.)
If you have an Ally with Proudmore rep at Exalted, they sell a green color variant of that same gryphon you get from Pandaland. The quartermaster is where the m+ chest is in Boralus.
This one makes no sense. Rylaks are from Draenor.
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Nothing looks right with a Tauren
They should get their own mount form like Worgen
And for flying I guess the biggest piece of mechanical equipment
Because they’re cows. I imagine a full-sized bull would weigh at least as much as a wind rider
I think you can specialize some of those gryphons:
Human - brown
Dward - white
Kul Tiran - green
I could also see Worgen on an ebon gryphon
Orcs - Grand Wyvern
Mag’har - Rylak
Tauren - Wind Rider
Highmountain - Eagle
Troll - Bat
Zandalari - Pterrordax
Undead - Plaguebat
Nightborne - Manasaber
Blood Elf - Dragonhawk
Vulpera - Buzzard
Goblin - Goblin Mecha-suit
Human - Flying Horse
Kul Tiran - Grand Gryphon
Dwarf - Gryphon
Dark Iron - Pureblood Fire Hawk
Gnome - Flying Machine
Mechagnome - Jet Aerial Units
Panda - Cloud Serpent
I’m gonna suggest Raven Lord or if a Rogue the Legion Class Mount
A Tauren “Wonka-vator” would be a riot.
What races do you avoid simply because of how bad they look on mounts?
More the opposite. I avoid mounts on my toons that have major clipping issues.
I also tend to avoid large mounts. Why I’m glad the opened dragon flying it the other flying mounts.
Was actually surprised how well the flying carpets worked with this method. But those standing mounts tend to use the “Stealthed at rest” pose so some models look better than others on those.
In addition to race, there are a lot of other things that you can factor into the decision:
- class
- spec
- professions
- transmog
- theme
- color(s)
- faction(s) commonly associated with horde/alliance (or with certain races)
I’ll use this character as an example.
- I’m not a fan of them, but with tailoring being one of my professions, I could use one of the flying carpets
- Since my other profession is enchanting (and I am a caster) I could use a book or a mount that is magical or has magical properties
- Being that I am a warlock, I have my own mounts (felsteed, dreadsteed, wrathsteed) or I could go with a mount that has fel associated with it (frenzied feltalon,feldrake, infernal, corrupted dreadwing, etc…)
- choose a mount that compliments my transmog (bloodfang widow, rivendere’s deathcharger, etc.)
- go with a mount that matches a theme (like if i were to use the darkmoon harlequin’s bells set, I could use the darkmoon dirigible)
I like your thinking.
A few thoughts I’ve had since I’ve been playing WoW since 2005, Mage mounts, the Mage would turn into their school of magic for a mount:
Fire: Turn into a fire Ball Meteor to fly across the sky with fire tails.
Frost: A Frozen Meteor with Ice Tails.
Arcane: A huge Arcane Missile.
A Shame turn into a Lightning Bolt.
I submitted those along with two other ideas, years ago with written blessings I wouldn’t file suit, lol.
Engineering could get a mount builder with preset parts that could be made and in this builder screen (work bench/garage) a player could make custom flying, ground, on and underwater mechanical mounts.
And mounts aside, always wondered why Hunters didn’t have the ability to make a Tent , this way your Hunter Toon could make a tent that would give Rest, in the outside world and on dry ground, so no underwater tents, but ground or mountain would be fine. Just makes sense to me that a Hunter could make a tent, heck make one to sell so other characters could rest away from a town.
Sometimes, I don’t want to leave a questing zone to head back to a town or major city to rest, we have travel merchant NPCs we can bring along, sell trash, or like the Mechagnomes who are a mobile work station for themselves.
Maybe one day.
Thanks for reading, have a great Day!