Racial Deathchargers

Now that everyone has had the opportunity to get their hands on Rider of the Apocalypse with all its mounted Death Knight glory, there is one hiccup I think the spec makes. It’s about the Deathcharger itself…

See…if you’re a human or a blood elf or something, then the Deathcharger you ride makes sense, a horse. A dark analog to the Paladin Divine Steeds of the respective race.

For just about any other race of death knight, though, you…still have a horse for your deathcharger. It kinda looks out of place on races like tauren, draenei, or trolls that don’t sit comfortably on their horses.

I’ve seen plenty of people suggesting they finish revamps for the divine steeds so steeds like the human/blood elf one can catch up in quality to the other races, and I agree, but I don’t think they should stop there. They should also add racial variations of the deathcharger, similar to what paladin has, converting the mounts of your chosen race into a deathcharger.

An Acherus Deathraptor for Trolls, Wolf for Orcs, Nightsaber for night elves, so on.

I don’t think this has been a very high concern for most people until now since your mount was never such a part of your class’s gameplay like it’s been for paladin. Rider of the Apocalypse changes that. Now your class mount is a HUGE part of your gameplay, so this less-thought-of layer of polish would be more welcome now than ever before

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