Race/Spec specific Monk fighting styles

With glyphs or something could we get race /spec specific Monk fighting animation styles such as

Spec specific:
Windwalker - White Tiger= tigers style
Mist weaver- crane / serpent/ snake style
Brewmaster - Drunken - monkey style

Racial Specific (probably too much work lol) BUT pre existing real world fighting styles could be added to and assigned to specific races. I dont know maybe a Monk class hall set of quests that you discover these styles. Ijs the current monk fighting animation was definitely designed more for Pandaren than the other races. It would be cool for example for the Trolls to have a Capoeira fighting animation (goes along with their dance emote) or the Tauren to have a more wrestling fighting style (Tornado Suplex lol).

I dont know, what do you guys think about this idea? I think visually it would be awesome, especially in duels or pvp.