Race/class restrictions are purely cultural. Physically, there is nothing stopping more combos

There are Night Elf Warlocks, like Athrikus Narassin and Tyranis Malem. There are human druids from Stormwind, like Lucan Foxblood and Aramar Thorne. Anyone can be a shaman if they join the Twilight’s Hammer.


Alternatively they could have a sect of demon hunters that want to dabble in it. So there night elf warlocks.

I think Illidan could’ve built a cult of human Demon Hunters in Warcraft 3, when he traveled to Lordaeron, as well. That was a missed opportunity.

Most of the original restrictions were lore based including Belfs not being able to play as Warriors. Most RPG’s are built that way.

At this point though the lore and everything else is so borked who cares? I say go all out and let us play any Race no matter the faction as well.

Possible, the whole point of it being just Elves was cause their bodies due to practical immortality could handle the Fel strain most of the time, considering how straight up ripped Orcs/Humans are that shouldn’t be a problem, same with Dwarfs and Draenei. That and Illidan needed soldiers who’d likely have to be around for thousands of years.

You’re absolutely right. Mostly, anyway. There is the rather sensitive subject of Forsaken being burned by the Light preventing them from being Paladins - which is both canonical fact and also made dubious by the existence of Forsaken Holy Priests. But otherwise yes it’s cultural and there’s no real reason why Goblins can’t be monks, or why Tauren can’t be rogues. A dwarf who is very close to nature could be trained in druidism etc.

The question isn’t can we do this, but should we do this, however. If we let everyone be everything, there is a very real risk of races losing their identity. Like it’s no longer an individual thing if tauren rogues are running around everywhere, or the light loving Draenei and their Lightforged friends decide to all become Warlocks and summon demons. Etc.

Restrictions give flavor. Ever heard of less is more? Same applies here. I get you wanna be the clown jokey race as a druid or whatever but it makes no sense thematically. Themes help drive world building. Without it you’re just throwing fantasy elements into a blender and what comes out is an unrecognizable mess. That works for some games but thats not what WoW is trying to be.


You don’t understand why 9 foot 1,000lb+ Taurens cant be rogues? really?


If Blizzard actually cared about restricting races to classes that made sense lore-wise, Pandaren (speaking of clown jokey races… I kid) would only be able to be Monks and Rogues.

I mean, Pandaren aren’t the lightest creatures either and they can be rogues. Trolls and Night Elves are tall AF.

Anyone can be rogue. It makes no difference how big you are. Stealth is a magical ability that silences your footsteps and makes you invisible. It also doesn’t matter if you have hooves, a peg leg, or anything else.


tall and lithe yes. Not thick like tree trunks.

Classes shouldn’t be limited to races. That’s racist. Limiting classes to certain races just makes the class identity tied to the race, and not what the race can bring to the class.

For example paladins are heavily human based in spells. But Zandalari have holy warriors too with different motivs. A human paladin and a Zandalari Paladin won’t think the same. Same with Kultiran shamans and druids, they most likely won’t feel the same as night elves. Since they learned from Drust ancestors.

magic can only do so much lol. It’s not a catch all explanation despite it being a popular meme to say so.

I know, but we already know how Stealth magic works.

Stealth magic is about your enemies losing there senses, they can’t hear you, see you or smell you. That’s what the shadow magic does. And also grimtotem tauren have rogues. And also hunters can camoflauge and stealth/do everything a rouge can and wear right now and they just lack the abilities, they even use the same poisons.

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Do the Korthia campaign as a druid. you talk to a drust druid who explains they are the death aspect of the circle.

They are in between. Both life and death. They embody the cycle. Death magic is connected to life magic. And the Drust are stuck in between.

And im saying that rogues aren’t a purely magical class, physical prowess is king

Also tauren have been pirates since Vanilla. Outlaw is the pirate spec.

True except for void elves, lfd and forsaken

Void elves and forsaken is harmed by the light and paladins have their light powers turned on 100% of the time within their bodies (which allows them to have peak strength and be immune to diseases in lore)

There is also a question whether or not the elements (shamans) would be kosher with ppl using other cosmic powers besides them too, or even like being used by void beings or beings of necromatic nature. Unsure about lfd also do not have a connection to the elements due to being light beings.