Race to Dominance: Unleash Unique Powers with Racial Specializations in The War Within

Imagine introducing an exciting new feature in The War Within: Racial Specializations!

These racial specializations serve as an additional, third talent tree, replacing the hero talent tree from TWW.

With racial specializations, the focus is on the unique combination of class and race we’re playing, not just the specc we’ve chosen.

Depending on the class and race you select, you’ll have three different paths to perfect your playstyle. Your chosen specialization doesn’t matter. But you can only choose ONE path.

To illustrate the incredible diversity of talents:
A Blood Elf Mage has three completely different paths compared to a Night Elf Mage.
And a Blood Elf Paladin, once again, has three entirely different options.

Let me provide some examples:

Blood Elf Mage

The Blood Elf Mage, like every other class-race combination, has three main talents in the racial specialization. Each of these three main talents can be enhanced differently, and the subsequent paths to each of these main talents can vary significantly.

However, the player must choose one main talent and can then improve it; they won’t have access to the other two main talents afterward.

The main talents of the Blood Elf Mage are:

1. Phoenix: Summons a Phoenix as a companion.

In the further talent path of the Phoenix, it can be configured.
Should the Phoenix be able to tank or be more of a ranged attacker?
As an ultimate ability, the Blood Elf Mage can decide whether to absorb the power of the Phoenix to become extremely powerful for a short period or whether the Phoenix should unleash a very strong AoE attack.

2. Spellcaster: Gains the ability to wield Glaives in the main hand and shields.

In the further talent path, the mage can enhance their abilities.
They can gradually increase their armor level up to plate armor.
As an ultimate ability, they can cast a magic sphere, creating a large magical field around them. They can choose whether all negative magical effects are transferred from allies to enemies or whether all magical buffs on enemies are transferred to themselves.

3. Fel: All damage dealt is Chaos damage and ignores armor. All fire spells are now green.

In the further talent path, the mage can enhance some abilities and gradually gain a deep green sphere that can be used to enhance the next cast ability.
As an ultimate, Kael’thas can briefly empower himself through Fel, gaining access to 5 deep green spheres for 20 seconds, which can be used infinitely without consumption, or he can burn the enemy from the inside with Fel Fire, a DoT that remains active for 10 minutes and grows stronger over time.

More Are Coming…

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I like being able to pick my race based on what I think is cool without much impact on how effective my character is.

So yeah, pass.

That preference doesn’t really exclude having something like this as an additional option though.

I’m down for this if it’s purely cosmetic

Im ngl this is a cool idea to me but its one of things where “you think you do, but you dont”

It does if its anything like the example the OP provided and not just cosmetic options.

No thanks I dont want to be punished more than I already am for not playing dwarf.

Also im excited for hero talents.

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sounds cool with further specializations but that almost always ends up with:

“This specific combo is the hands down best and the rest are garbage as are you if you play them.”

I have suggested something much like this in the past. Made a thread about it, I think. I like it.

Unfortunately, it probably would be a nightmare for blizzard to balance… a whole new spec for every race. Those poor devs lol.

While I understand rationale behind why you would give this to belf mages, this really is dipping too far into warlock territory. What will I get as a warlock?!

Also sounds horrendously op.

You are assuming humans wouldn’t get even better things than dwarves get!

Not necessarily.

No. We tried this once. It went very poorly.

New Vulpera Racial
“So darn cute!”
Reduces all incoming damage in pvp by 25% because who kicks puppies seriously?

My character does. Kittens too. Just a terrible person in general.

Good idea for a racial talent though. 25 is a bit high…

Wait, when?

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Priests used to have special abilities depending on your race a long, long, looooong time ago. I remember that.

This. They need to get rid of racials.

Just take the current pool, and offer them to everyone from a menu. Each character gets 1 racial from list A, 1 from list B, and 1 from list C, regardless of your race’s cosmetics.

And then watch everyone have Stoneform.

This type of thing used to exist in Classic for Priests.

As fun as that was for flavor, they got rid of the feature for a reason. Reason being, nobody wanted to be forced to play a Dwarf just because Fear Ward is overpowered.

Oh right… that’s what ling meant… yes. But let’s not assume that it would turn out the same way. While I do think OP is showing a lot of generosity for blood elves, perhaps equal generosity can be shown to other races. Or of course… they could tone it down a bit across the board.

Please no… I like flavor. I like choices mattering. Racials are not being balanced well, I agree but… don’t just do away with them.

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I do too, and it was great. Blizz should have expanded the Priest racials to other classes.

What do you say about all the 3 speccs?