Race-Themed Slitherdrake

Hey, so the original Slitherdrake we encounter via the quests were all mostly silvery features / white-coloured — Yet we don’t have any of those colour variants for the Slitherdrake. :frowning:

I wanted the grey / silvery / white one, because for some reason it reminded me of a racing car – Specifically the loveable sentient & alive love-bug racing car ‘Herbie’ so I was originally super keen to get it, only to be met with the same colours as the other flights.

Given the Slitherdrake was an experimental drake, I’d love if that one in particular could have unconventional colours compared to the rest, such as the ones above and perhaps a purple colour added in as well. Getting a longer neck feature for our winding slitherdrake would be great too as a GoT reference to Caraxes. :grin:

Any other features you guys believe would be great for the Winding Slitherdrake?
:fire: :dragon:


The White Slitherdrakes are coded in.

In fact, every Drake have White Scales coded in, and even have items for them. I.E.:

It’s just a matter of Blizzard choosing to release them.

They’re releasing the Teal Scales for the Velocidrake soon, as a reward for the old-world flying races that you can purchase with the tokens you’ll earn from the races, so who knows where the White Scales will come from.


I don’t see why they shouldn’t.
That’d be fantastic! :partying_face:

More customisations is always great :grin:
When there’s lore build & story behind it — Even more phenomenal! :sparkles:

Idk about the Slitherdrake, but we’re getting Teal color for the Velocidrake.

I think for doing the Kalimdor races, or something.

Wow, didn’t think I’d ever run into anyone else who watched that movie growing up, lol.

Honk honk!


Hmm race themed drakes, just imagine changing the drake skin to match one of the playable races. Like a pandaren drake. The horror.

Honestly, the color customization of dragonriding mounts was a squandered opportunity in general. Especially when put next to the options that dracthyr have. Would have been nice to be able to change the color of their wing membranes independent of the scale color, at the very least.


It reminds me of falcor from the never ending story and with all the furry customization I want to ride my very own fluff noodle https://youtube.com/watch?v=jbo5DjSt-Xw&pp=ygUVUGV0ZXIgR3JpZmZpdGggZmFsY29y

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There are colors for all drakes that arent available as yet, because we’re restricted to the colors of the five flights.

I really like the grey-white cave dwelling proto drake that we similarly don’t have access to yet.

How my dragon feels when my pandaren and Kul’Tiran characters are riding.


That’s great!
I’d love teal for most of the other drakes too, since it’s a form of blue in a sense, and can be associated with the Blue Dragonflight :slight_smile:

Having other shades of the existing dragonflight colours would be pretty neat too :grin:

I mean, we saw the white Slitherdrakes the most in game via the questline. I don’t think I recall seeing other coloured ones, so receiving them as the reward but not the majority we encountered seemed a bit off lore-wise :sweat_smile: lol — But I’d still love the opportunity to earn it. :slight_smile:

As for proto-drakes, that makes sense for other colours too since there has always been reference that there were more coloured proto-drakes than the ones ascended to the prime dragonflights we have today.

— Heck, even Alexstrasza makes a reference to how she always wondered if another protodrake of a different coloured flight was ascended by the titans. Alas, only five various coloured drakes helped defeat Galakrond and display their worth before various Titanforged.

I suppose if they dabble further into the multiverse, they might reveal that there was a partial lie implied by Aman’Thul to Nozdormu how there’s only one ‘True’ timeline – And that each cluster of pantheons throughout the multiverse made an agreement to stick primarily to the defense of their own universe & timelines, and minimise interference with others. There would be absolutely HUUUGE potential for writing & lore there (So long as they didn’t funk it up like WoD & applied heavy respect for the lore, even with / despite various changes).

However if they do dabble into the multiverse, they could reveal different coloured flights and powers, along with different outcomes to major events. :slight_smile:
For instance, imagine if Alexstrasza had lost her life and Korialstrasz or Tyranastrasz took up the mantle of the new aspect for the red dragonflight; or if Malygos never went insane and eventually became leader of the Kirin Tor himself feeling the magi of Azeroth were also his family along with his flight? So many possibilities. :yum:

Teal Scales have been datamined for all of the mounts. So I’m almost certain that we will get these teal variants as each new race cup is added.

I’d be down for more colors. I themed all of my Trolls around their class colors so my warriors hair and eyes are brown, druid is orange, hunter green etc. I also did the same for their ground mount where my Priest uses the albino raptor, hunter uses the emerald raptor again etc.

Would love to be able to do the same for their Dragonriding mounts, most I can do right now is change the mounts eye colors to match.

I mean via the lore sense for other dragons — They could apply it in a way of such that there’s white dragons amongst each dragonflight, but they only retain 1 Dragonflight’s overall calling & powers at their heart. A ‘mystery’ drake amongst the dragons, whom’s flight won’t be known unless they’re renown amongst their kind or reveal what flight they belong towards. Like albinism – but with the drakes state its their ancient proto-heritage coming back to reveal itself through the spectrum of their flight’s colour.