Race/Class combo for healing priest

When I played retail vanilla I was a young kid and didn’t really understand how to maximize racials with class and things like that. Now going back, and not planning on pvping, Will it matter what race I make my Priest? Dwarf or NE, is one much more beneficial than the other for pve?

All Alliance Priests will be Dwarfs for the fear ward


race/ class for healing priest

the title tho… all this years of playing for noting xD
nvm i suggest you to go for human rogue :slight_smile: they are the best healing priests ^^

Play what you like…


Dwarfs are considered the superior priest choice due to fear ward. Like no contest.

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And it had to be a Female Dwarf.

Female dwarfs have the best pick me up in the game.




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Very thicc*

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The sheep will roll dwarves, yes.

But the intellectuals will roll human for 5% spirit.

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Not mine, they’re too ugly imo :frowning:

The intellectuals will realize the purpose of a game is enjoyment, and will choose whatever they like.


Worst run animation, the waddle.
Huge shoebox feet.
Horrid laugh (sounds like a mischevious boy)

OP they all have benefits so play what you like. At the end of the day none are major enough to matter outside of your raid having 2 Dwarf Priests. Once they have that, you can make a solid argument for playing both NE and Human (although I’d say NE has more benefits for those doing WPvP).

Trying to decide this myself.

Leaning undead, but it would be nice not to have main tank healing duties. Palas have that on the alliance side.

but only the true Patrician will roll fem nelf

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fear ward is useful for like 5 out of 70 bosses
and actually good for 3 of those 5