Race change

So i wanna race change my mag’har to a dracthyr but I leveled my mag’har and got the heritage armor on him if I race changed him would I still have the armor unlocked for my other mag’har orc?

Yes, the heritage armor unlock works similarly to any other mog unlock, you don’t need to keep the character who unlocked it.


Well, we solved that one quickly.

What, uh, what do you want to do for the rest of the thread?


/10 ch

ok. How long do you think it will take ActiBlizzSoft to restore Teldrassil? Should they even do it, or are the night elves happy to just hang out in a tiny corner of Stormwind?

I do believe the Night Elves got a new city thing in Dragon Isles.
It was, technically speaking, the aim and end goal of the expansion. (Alliance bias :wink:)

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It just seems like a waste of a good stump. They could make a big checkerboard out of it, or it could get overrun by some termite version of the quiraj.

Warsong Lumber Camp 2.0

Teldrassil is an interesting question because it’s always been kind of awkwardly placed and removed from things. If it’s going to be restored, then fine. If it’s going to be remade, I’d love to see it somewhere nearer to central Kalimdor.